Sundials of North America

This is a complete listing of sundials in the North American Sundial Society Registry. Click on any dial thumbnail picture or city name to display the full dial listing and images. To see sundials from a particular state or province, you may click on the list at right to see all registered sundials in that state, province or country (at bottom) displayed in city order.

You may also type into the NASS search field at upper right any search word such as "equatorial" to get a list of all articles mentioning equatorial dials and a list of all equatorial sundials in the registry. (Try other dial types: "vertical", "horizontal", etc).

Lucedale Mississippi USA Sun Alignment Dial 820
This is a Veteran's Memorial consisting of a set of five large stainless steel panels with holes that guide sunlight to strike a memorial plaque. The alignment is designed to commemorate the signing of the armistice ending World War One, illuminating the plaque on Nov 11th at 11:00AM
Morristown New Jersey USA Analemmatic Dial Dial 819
This analemmatic dial is approximately 20 feet wide by 12 feet long, constructed of reinforced, high strength cast-in-place concrete. Showing both Standard and Daylight Savings Time, the dial uses a dual ring of twenty-eight circular hour markers. Each hour marker is a 12 inch diameter precast paver flush with the surrounding landscaping with an aluminum Arabic hour numeral on top.
Portland Maine USA Horizontal Dial Dial 818
A large 1m (3-foot) bronze sundial is set on a low granite dais at the center of a white granite ellipse. Surrounding the sundial are three white granite benches, the center declaring this as a memorial to Mayor James Baxter. The hour ring gives the hours from V in the morning to VII in the evening The ring is further divided into 15 minute increments. The dial has a large 24-point star and on the south end of the dial face the words "Baxter Boulevard". The artful gnomon is about 1-inch thick. Unfortunately the monument setting is heavily wooded and little sunlight reaches this fine dial.
New Milford Connecticut USA Equatorial Dial Dial 817
This 9-foot stainless steel equatorial is the centerpiece of "Galileo's Garden". The sundial was built and dedicated in memory of Kathleen Fischer, a sixth-grade science teacher who inspired many students to pursue science. The sundial is an open armillary, with an adjustable hour band so that both local solar time and civil time can be read. At the tip of the gnomon is a bronze and brass true-size rendering of Galileo’s first telescope, honoring the 400 years since Galileo explored the heavens. The North American Sundial Society was privileged to donate to this effort.
Grande Prairie Alberta Canada Horizontal Dial Dial 816
This monumental stainless steel sundial was built as part of the Grande Prairie Millennium Project. The beautiful gnomon is 12m (40-feet) tall and symbolizes the passage of the year 2000 into the 21st century. Behind the visible stainless steel cover of the sundial's gnomon is a one by two foot steel beam. Engineers adopted computer programming techniques to construct and align the 30 centimetre thick gnomon of the Centre 2000 sundial. Specific factors such as the city’s elevation, its latitude and correction longitude mark time with the region’s Mountain Standard and Daylight Savings Time.
San Diego California USA Equatorial Dial Dial 815
This broad band equatorial dial was dedicated in 1978 to George A. Koester, former Executive Dean of San Diego State University. The approximately 3-foot dial is on a brick pedestal situated on on a small dais. Concentric brick circles complete the large dial plaza.
Leisure City Florida USA Obelisk or Vertical Gnomon Dial 814
Amid the many coral blocks (oolitic limestone rock) carved by eccentric Edward Leedskalnin (1887-1951) is a huge monolithic sundial. The gnomon is a horizontal L-shaped piece of iron fastened to the north corner of a limestone block about 8 feet high, weighing about 15 short-tons. Below the gnomon, carved into a second block of limestone is a portion of a hemisphere, smoothly filled in with concrete. Drawn on the hemisphere are analemma shaped hour and half-hour lines from 9am to 4pm. You can read the time with an accuracy of about two-minutes.
Victoria British Columbia Canada Horizontal Dial Dial 813
This brass horizontal sundial was designed and engraved for use in the town of Hope BC by British Royal Engineers in 1860. The circular dial is 8 inches diameter with a triangular gnomon. Time lines are engraved at 15 minute intervals from 4 am to 8 pm. The dial is on display in the museum beside other survey instruments and the red uniform of a Royal Engineers Sergeant.
Coeur d'Alene Idaho USA Horizontal Dial Dial 812
In 2013 the city of Coeur d'Alene began a $20M renovation of downtown McEuen Park, a 22-acre expanse, to include a large sundial. But shortly after the renovation started, the city commissioners were told the $51,000 that was to be spent on the sundial was instead to be used to install heavier electrical infrastructure for support of major park events. Fortunately by the end of 2013, the City Staff announced that the sundial was added back to the park's plan, made possible by a $50,000 donation from Parkwood Business Properties.
Elmira New York USA Vertical Dial Dial 811
The white concrete dial face with surrounding dark red Arabic hour numbers is approximately 2 foot tall by 4 foot wide. The hour angles are clean grooves in the concrete. All are easily visible from ground level. Most striking is the steel gnomon painted bright yellow with an ornate central cut-out of a triangle symbolizing the trinity.
Elmira New York USA Sun Alignment Dial 810
This solar alignment sculpture called the "Sun Triangle" is made of polished 1/8 inch stainless steel. Its leaning, 10 foot tall pedestal gives the mounted triangle a futuristic look of monumental size, where the tip of the triangle towers 34 feet above ground level. The selected triangle angles are described by the dial plaque, making solar alignments at noon on the equinoxes and summer/winter solstices. There are no line markings or hour indicators on the ground. However, the pedestal is bolted to a buried concrete block weighing approximately 16 tons.
Oliver British Columbia Canada Horizontal Dial Dial 809
A lovely horizontal dial with an 8-foot high stainless steel gnomon. The hour lines are done as colorful alternating red and cream segments set in a 8-foot radius semi-circle. The gnomon is triangular in cross section with a single thin edge casting the shadow. The dial hour numbers are set for daylight, since all of the winery's 100,000 annual visitors are seasonal, coming when Pacific Daylight Time is in place.
Dover Massachusetts USA Horizontal Dial Dial 808
The horizontal dial is in the spiral shape of a Nautilus. The dial was originally built in the 1920's and located at Amelia Peabody's Sun House at 145 Powisset Stree in Dover, MA.
Winterthur Delaware USA Horizontal Dial Dial 807
A bronze horizontal sundial about 18 inches in diameter. The Arabic hour numbers range from 4am to 8pm, with time delineated into half, quarter, and eighth hours. A side photo of the gnomon shows it is set for about 53° and the top-down photo of the dial (corrected for perspective) confirms this. A DuPont purchase in England?
Winterthur Delaware USA Armillary Sphere Dial 806
The 59" armillary is located in the Sundial Garden, designed by Landscape Designer Marian Coffin for Henry Francis DuPont for the family's former tennis court in 1955. It features an antique armillary sundial weighing 70 pounds. It was collected by the DuPont family between 1850-1920.
Lake Forest Illinois USA Vertical Dial Dial 805
A vertical south-facing dial, simple in design and visible to the shoppers in the U-shaped town square below. The dial face is plane white with Roman hour numbers fastened to a rod bent in an ellipse. No other delineation (such as solstice and equinox lines) is on the dial face. The gnomon is a simple rod held by an "S" shaped support.
Logan Utah USA Analemmatic Dial Dial 804
Work to design and make the Analemmatic Sundial was done by students of the sixth grade science class and teacher Eric Newell in 2005. The central walkway uses stepping stones sandblasted with the name of the months. John Westenskow's ceramics classes at Mount Logan Middle School made the time stones. Students surveyed and plotted the location of the stones and provided the physical labor to dig holes and pour cement.
Pennington New Jersey USA Cylindrical Dial Dial 803
This is an adaptation of the dual cylindrical sundial design by Hoffmann Albin of Butgenback, Belgium that provides for two separate dials to be displayed. In this variation, the two dials are separately displayed after being rotated and locked into viewing position every six months on the solstices. Except for two bronze sleeve bearings, all parts are 304 stainless steel that has been glass bead blasted to reduce reflection, machined, welded or laser cut. The analemmal hour lines, equinox and month lines are laser etched into the stainless steel dial plates. The dials and their supporting cradles are 12 gauge with 12" diameters. The post is 1.75" in diameter.
Round Lake Beach Illinois USA Horizontal Dial Dial 802
This is an octagonal-shaped horizontal dial 240 mm (9.5 inches)across. The photo-etched plate has a central compass rose and delineated with a half hour circle and second circle dividing the time into quarter-hour increments. Roman numerals mark the hours from 6am to 6pm, with an extra hour mark to extend the dial's time-telling from 5am to 7pm. The dial is adjusted for the longitude of the site. Atop the dial face is a sturdy filigree gnomon approximately 5mm wide and 90mm (3.5 inches) high. South of the gnomon is a graphic Equation of Time.
Mesa Arizona USA Analemmatic Dial Dial 801
This concrete analemmatic dial is set is a larger concrete plaza located in a City park with an overall theme of Sonoran Desert environmental education and nature-based play.
Magnolia Arkansas USA Analemmatic Dial Dial 800
A 22 by 17 foot analemmatic dial of stained concrete with Arabic hour numerals of polished brass. The dial perimeter and hour numerals are set in a blue decorative polymer "U" arc, appearing as a large mule shoe that represents the university Muleriders mascot symbol. Dial colors represent the royal blue and gold school colors.
Wooster Ohio USA Vertical Dial Dial 799
A vertical dial on a 15 x 40 foot section of a second story brick wall declining 11° east. The gnomon, hour lines and 7 am to 4 pm Arabic hour numerals are aluminum.
Georgetown District of Columbia USA Vertical Dial Dial 798
A vertical dial, perhaps one foot square, above the front door of the Georgetown University Astronomical Observatory (the Hayden Observatory). The dial face has Roman hour numerals near its perimeter.
Cranford New Jersey USA Horizontal Dial Dial 797
A 15 foot diameter horizontal dial with 5 foot high welded stainless steel plate gnomon. The dial face is elevated 18 inches by a white marble-faced platform above a 50 foot diameter concrete plaza that includes inset stainless steel hour line extensions. The dial face is rimmed with Bluestone and has elevated stainless steel hour lines for 4 am to 8 pm and elevated three inch stainless steel Arabic hour numerals. Cardinal directions are marked with elevated 6 inch stainless steel letters.
Shoreline Washington USA Analemmatic Dial Dial 796
An 8 foot diameter concrete and pebble analemmatic dial with engraved stainless steel inserts for central date line and simple instructions for use. The dial face is raised one foot on a fluted column above the perimeter concrete and stainless steel walkway and has stainless steel Arabic hour numerals for 6 AM, 12 PM and 6 PM. The walkway has stainless steel inserts showing hour lines, magnetic north, true north, winter solstice, equinox and summer solstice directions.
Seattle Washington USA Vertical Dial Dial 795
A 4 foot wide by 1.5 foot high etched glass plate vertical dial. The gnomon is formed by crossed bars several inches behind the plate and casts its shadow on hour line analemmas. Roman hour numerals for 10 AM to 4 PM are scribed under each analemma; other hours are Arabic. Solstice and equinox lines are scribed across the plate, as are narrow lines at 10 day intervals. Months of the year are scribed about the plate perimeter. A description of the dial is marked on the left side of the plate and the fountains are visible through the plate
St. Petersburg Florida USA Equatorial Dial Dial 794
A very large bowstring equatorial dial. The outer diameter of the equatorial ring is 26 feet, the height of the meridian ring is 22 feet above the base and the gnomon rod is 26.5 feet long, making this possibly the largest bowstring dial known at this time. The equatorial ring is marked on two faces with large Roman hour numerals for 7 AM to 5 PM. The dial base includes a large compass rose marked with major directions.
Washington DC USA Horizontal Dial Dial 793
An incorrectly installed but prominently displayed 8 inch bronze horizontal dial with hour, half-hour and quarter-hour lines and Roman hour numerals from 5 AM to 7 PM. The bronze gnomon is inclined from the dial face approximately 42° and the hour lines appear correct for that latitude, though the local latitude is about 39°.
Senatobia Mississippi USA Vertical Dial Dial 792
A south facing vertical dial placed above a window high on a wall of a high school. The dial face includes hour lines and Arabic hour numerals 6 AM to 6 PM. The dial is a separate plate affixed to the wall. The dial may be viewed from College Street side of the building.
Seattle Washington USA Vertical Dial Dial 791
A south facing vertical dial on a chamfered triangular pillar. The gnomon is slightly bent. The dial face includes hour lines with Arabic numerals for Pacific Standard Time and PDT, the approximate coordinates and the magnetic declination.
Scarborough Ontario Canada Equatorial Dial Dial 790
A 45 inch diameter bronze equatorial ring dial with an arrow-pointed rod gnomon. The dial is mounted atop a 36 inch square pink granite plinth with chamfered corners sitting on a concrete base.
Northern Bay Newfoundland Canada Armillary Sphere Dial 789
An approximately 24 inch diameter steel and aluminum armillary dial with wrought iron scrollwork base. The equatorial ring includes an aluminum plate inscribed with hour, half-hour and five minute marks showing time from 5 AM to 7 PM. A plaque on the pillar below shows combined corrections for EOT and longitude. The dial is mounted on a 10 inch fluted concrete pillar, reinforced with steel rebar.
Howell Michigan USA Analemmatic Dial Dial 788
A 16 by 20 foot, two-tone concrete analemmatic dial with 7 AM to 8 PM Arabic hour numerals on 12 inch round stamped concrete disks. Instructional and use information is shown on impressed lettering colored concrete plates.
Falls Church Virginia USA Vertical Dial Dial 787
A large vertical dial on the southwest brick wall of a private home. The hour lines are square PVC stock. Arabic hour numerals for noon to 7 PM are brass plated figures mounted on brass plaques. The dial declines 54 degrees from south to west. The ends of the hour lines indicate the solstices except for several long summer hour lines. The equinoctial points are marked by red glass inserts on the hour lines.
Capitola California USA Equatorial Dial Dial 786
A wrought iron equatorial dial with an arrow rod gnomon. Equatorial band and support have iron scroll work depicting a bow and arrow. Dial is painted and hour numerals are obscured.
Miami Florida USA Vertical Dial Dial 785
An east-declining vertical dial near the top of a stone winter residence building, now a museum. Dial face includes hour lines and Roman hour numerals for 5 AM to 3 PM. Building and dial were built in the early 1900s but gnomon appears to be in good condition without corrosion so it may be bronze. Dial includes a depiction of a scroll with engraved Latin inscription.
Quincy Illinois USA Analemmatic Dial Dial 784
A 10 foot x 18 foot analemmatic dial built of Keystone Blue granite from the quarry in Elberton, Georgia. Hour markers for 7 AM to 5 PM show Arabic numerals and identify the organizations donating to fund the dial. Each hour marker depicts the morphology of a leaf from a tree located in the nearby arboretum. The hour markers are 15 inches in diameter and 6 inches thick, weigh 102 pounds each and are placed flush with the soil to reduce potential for vandalism.
Farmington Utah USA Horizontal Dial Dial 783
A 28 x 20 x 2 inch sandstone horizontal dial with a 1/2-inch thick, hand-tooled copper gnomon. Dial face has Arabic numerals and hour lines corrected for local longitude. Dial was hand carved with carbide chisels and maul but using techniques and natural stone used to create ancient Native American petroglyphs found in the southwest USA. Dial is mounted 2 inches above a sandstone base weighing 400 pounds by brass leveling pins; this mounting makes the dial appear to "float" above the stone base. A "Desert Varnish" finish has been applied to the dial face using a natural process that mimics what naturally happens to exposed sandstone over several thousands of years. The natural color of the stone is exposed by the carving process to create a color contrast as might be seen in a Native American petroglyph. Dial is located in the front yard of a private residence. Viewing can be arranged by contacting the owner by email at
Muncie Indiana USA Equatorial Dial Dial 782
A 9.5 inch wide bowstring equatorial dial built using the aluminum photo drum of a xerographic copier machine. The gnomon is stretched fishing line. Hour lines and numerals are marked by lead pencil and include 5-minute marks. The hour ring can be rotated to set for standard or daylight saving time and the elevation angle is adjustable. The dial is mounted on the deck railing of a swimming pool.
Calgary Alberta Canada Analemmatic Dial Dial 781
A school yard 6 by 4 meter analemmatic dial of pigmented concrete. The Sunclocks registered design has two hour ellipses, the outer one for standard time, the inner one for daylight saving time. The zodiac table is larger for the fall and winter periods so the design is really two sundials in one. Longitude correction is included. The plaque provides instructions in French and English and notes the dial marks the 50th anniversary of Ecole Banff Trail. The plaque instruction to stand on the current month is misleading; the user should straddle the dial centerline to avoid an offset error.
Windsor Ontario Canada Armillary Sphere Dial 780
A simple armillary dial about two feet in diameter with an equatorial hour ring. The dial is mounted atop a tall, black cylindrical pillar within a formal garden of Willistead Manor. The manor is open to the public on selected days.
Windsor Ontario Canada Noon Mark or Meridian Dial Dial 779
A 12 foot high noon mark dial consisting of two closely spaced triangular vertical plates, a protruding needle and pairs of summer and winter solstice "wings" that together project a shadow onto the surrounding concrete deck within a 40 foot diameter reflecting pool. When the sun totally illuminates the narrow space between the vertical plates, it is local noon and the shadow cast by the protruding needle points true north. On the summer solstice, the shadow cast by the smaller, upper solstice wings will be at its narrowest width. On the winter solstice, the shadow cast by the lower solstice wings will be at its narrowest width.
Sterling Virginia USA Gnomonic or Projection Dial Dial 778
A reflection dial using a mirror in an upper window to project a solar image spot onto the west facing vertical interior wall of a church. Copper medallions on the wall show the spot location at 10:30 AM throughout a year and depict the analemma curve.
St. Louis Missouri USA Equatorial Dial Dial 777
A cast aluminum equatorial dial 15 inches in diameter with a rotating, two-part, three-dimensional analemmic gnomon; this is a classic Schmoyer dial completed by Bill Gottesman. One gnomon half is used from summer solstice to winter solstice; time is shown by a beam of light passing through the gnomon slit to fall on the hour ring. The other gnomon half is used from winter solstice to summer solstice.
St. Louis Missouri USA Equatorial Dial Dial 776
A 10 inch wide, cylindrical-segment equatorial dial 8 inches high, fabricated from a section of large PVC pipe. The dial face is aluminum sheet bonded to the PVC pipe and marked by photochemical engraving with hour lines showing analemmas to correct for EOT; hour lines are corrected for longitude and show both standard and daylight saving Arabic hour numerals. Winter and summer solstices and equinoxes are marked. Time and date are read by the shadow of the intersection of the two gnomon rods. Instructions are included on the dial face and plaque.
St. John's Newfoundland Canada Horizontal Dial Dial 775
A 10 inch diameter heavily cast bronze horizontal dial with bronze gnomon that was apparently replaced or remounted in the past. The dial face includes hour and half-hour lines and Roman hour numerals from 5 AM to 7 PM. The center of the dial face shows a simplified map of the world. The dial sits atop a stone pedestal with a two-part octagonal base. The base is inscribed with a dedication to the memory of Sir Edgar Rennie Bowring, K.C.M.G. (1858-1943), industrialist, born at St. John's, Newfoundland on August 17, 1858, son of John Bowring and Mary Rennie.
Santa Clara California USA Equatorial Dial Dial 774
A 5 foot 9 inch wide cast bronze ring equatorial dial on a low brick mortared pedestal. The full semicircular hour ring has hour, half-hour, fifteen minute and 5 minute marks, and Roman hour numerals. The dial is lightly patinated and has a central gnomon rod with arrowhead.
Reston Virginia USA Analemmatic Dial Dial 773
An analemmatic dial with 8 foot semimajor axis painted on the asphalt playground of the Neil Armstrong Elementary School. Hour marks for 5 AM to 7 PM include longitude correction; Arabic hour numerals for both standard and daylight saving time are shown. The date line is decorated in bright colors with icons symbolic of holidays and seasonal weather. The dial was the Boy Scout Eagle Service Project of William T. Spriggs and was painted by local Boy Scouts and their fathers.
Phoenix Arizona USA Vertical Dial Dial 772
A dual-vertical cube dial with two 12 inch square dial plates declining 45? south of east and south of west. The east face shows hour lines for 6 AM to 12 PM; the west face shows hour lines for 12 PM to 6 PM. Roman numerals mark three hour lines on each face.
McDonald Observatory Texas USA Horizontal Dial Dial 771
A monumental horizontal dial on a cast concrete base with a 5 foot high polished granite gnomon. Hour lines radiate from the gnomon root and hour markers with Arabic numerals are placed on a square about the gnomon. Instructions for reading the dial are engraved on the side of the gnomon.