Sundials of North America

This is a complete listing of sundials in the North American Sundial Society Registry. Click on any dial thumbnail picture or city name to display the full dial listing and images. To see sundials from a particular state or province, you may click on the list at right to see all registered sundials in that state, province or country (at bottom) displayed in city order.

You may also type into the NASS search field at upper right any search word such as "equatorial" to get a list of all articles mentioning equatorial dials and a list of all equatorial sundials in the registry. (Try other dial types: "vertical", "horizontal", etc).

Iowa City Iowa USA Equatorial Dial Dial 970
An 2-foot diameter dial with a wide 8-inch equatorial band. Vertical lines mark half hours from 5 am to 7pm in Arabic numerals placed at both the top and bottom of the band. Zodiac declination with month and dates engraved. The shadow nodus is held in place by a horizontal rod. Time and date marks are faint, implying that the dial has been continually polished over the years.
Summerland British Columbia Canada Equatorial Dial Dial 969
This is a standard equatorial in reasonable condition, mass produced, probably steel, about 2 feet in diameter. As at 2019, it is loose on its base and so visitors are likely to find it out of alignment. It is mounted on a rough stone pedestal decorated with strips of metal reminiscent of plant foliage reaching up around it.
Sterling Colorado USA Horizontal Dial Dial 968
This horizontal dial is 18 inches in diameter made of painted iron. Parts of the dial face have rusted. The dial is marked hourly from 6am to 6pm to 6pm using Roman numerals at the dial circumference. Hour lines are made using a series of dots. The swept-wing design of gnomon has an angle of 42.5 deg, about 2 degrees higher than the latitude. The dial sits on a limestone bolder.
Denver Colorado USA Vertical Dial Dial 967
This monumental size vertical dial consumes much of the south side of the Newman Center for the Performing Arts. The dial face is limestone and sandstone with disks standing out from the wall to mark the hours from 7am until 5pm. Two row of brass disks show the time: one circular set close to the gnomon for winter and another set at the circumference for summer. The size of the disks vary, growing in size from 7am to noon, then repeating the growing size from 1pm until 5pm. Roman numerals at 7, 12, and 5 show the hours.
Nelson British Columbia Canada Horizontal Dial Dial 966
The elegant bronze gnomon is 6 foot high with a modern interpretation of the zodiac sculptured into the lower half. The zodiac is represented by reliefs of Leo, Taurus, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius with his bow. The dial face is integrated into the plaza with a stainless steel chapter ring about 12 feet in diameter. The chapter ring has ornate grill work and Roman numerals to mark the hours. A small disk shows the Equation of Time correction in polar form with the months labelled along the circumference and EOT shown radially. The resulting graph looks somewhat like a kidney.
Denver Colorado USA Horizontal Dial Dial 965
This monumental dial has a 58 foot tall gnomon made of aluminum cladding on a steel frame sitting on a concrete base. The surrounding elliptical walkway has red sandstone lines marking the time from 6 am to 6 pm. Time may be slightly off as the time lines do not account for the change in height between the walkway and the dial base. The markers south of the 6 o'clock lines are added only to provide artistic balance and do not mark time.
Denver Colorado USA Horizontal Dial Dial 964
A 12 inch bronze horizontal dial marking quarter hours with Roman numerals.from 5 AM to 7 PM. The gnomon is about 1 1/2 inches wide and the hour lines are appropriately split at the noon marker. The dial sits on 3-foot stone plinth.
Aurora Colorado USA Gnomonic or Projection Dial Dial 963
The Sun Shell is a band shell made of a series of six stainless steel arcs creating the illusion of longitude lines on a globe tilted so the poles are on the east-west horizon. A nodus is placed on one of the arcs that casts a point of light onto the floor of the band shell plaza. The floor is marked with Arabic numerals and stainless steel hour lines from 10 am to 3 pm.
Denver Colorado USA Vertical Dial Dial 962
A massive vertical dial, declining 48.08 degrees south of east, occupying the upper portion of the Arraj US Courthouse. Hours are marked from 5 am to 3 pm with Arabic numerals. The hour lines are crossed by declination lines for summer solstice, equinox, and winter solstice.
Owasso Oklahoma USA Analemmatic Dial Dial 961
This is a nicely done 12 x 6 foot analemmatic. The time ellipse is white concrete with black hour marks using Roman numerals. Time is adjusted for longitude and daylight savings time. The walkway has black month marks and an explanation plaque.
Kelowna British Columbia Canada Shadow Plane Dial Dial 960
It is a large sculpture that acts as a shadow plane dial delineated at hourly intervals. The dial is about 3m high. It is made of mild steel with a concrete base, very precisely cut and installed. It shows local solar time, delineated at hourly intervals. Each shadow plane projects onto a small vane that has notches cut out, the number of notches indicating the hour. This dial is one of the earlier artworks by Alan Storey, a successful Canadian sculptor specializing in large-scale public art. The setting is a pleasant tree-lined courtyard at the center of the campus. in the years since the courtyard was laid out and the dial installed, the trees have grown large and cast shade on the dial. The best time to view the dial in sun is probably mid-morning, or in the winter when deciduous trees have lost their leaves.
Kamloops British Columbia Canada Horizontal Dial Dial 959
A simple horizontal dial consisting of a 6' gnomon made of black-painted steel tubes set in a circular concrete patio.The dial is located in a pleasantly laid out xeno garden (planted for arid conditions) with benches and a pergola. A riverside walk passes close by, and the whole area is designated for recreational and sports use. The gnomon is unusual for its plain industrial feel, and the use of wire mesh to fill in the gnomon's triangular substyle area. As well, the north end of the gnomon is formed by a pole that extends an extra 6' upwards, topped off by a weather vane.
Denver Colorado USA Noon Mark or Meridian Dial Dial 958
Description, a 1-inch stainless steel line set in the granite pavement marks the location of the 105th meridian in front of Union Station. The meridian line marks the center of the time zone called Mountain Time, and is 7 time zones "earlier" the Greenwich. MT = UTC - 7. Throughout the Denver metro area, Kalamath Street is the road that most closely corresponds to the 105th meridian. The current 105th meridian would have been known as the 30th meridian of the United States in the 18th and 19th century.
Indianapolis Indiana USA Armillary Sphere Dial 957
This armillary is constructed adjacent to the original American Legion Wayne Post 64 building. It is made of iron with iron hour markers in Roman numerals on the equatorial band. It has arctic and antarctic circles and a longitude band from 6am to 6pm. The 45-inch diameter sphere sits atop a plain but elegant white square pedestal and octagonal dais. On the side of the pedestal are black marble plaques etched with the symbols of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. On the fourth side is the seal of the United States.
Fort Wayne Indiana USA Equatorial Dial Dial 956
According to WPTA-21 news, "This odd looking nine thousand pound chunk of limestone is a scientific instrument, a sundial unlike any you’ve seen." It is an equatorial dial but with a parabolic shaped equatorial for telling time. The reason for the odd shape? "The shadow cast by a stainless steel bar moves across the dial face telling time not just in Fort Wayne but also half a world away in Takaoka, Japan, one of Fort Wayne’s Sister Cities. A half-size version of the same sundial in Takaoka does the same thing."
La Grange Kentucky USA Equatorial Dial Dial 955
This equatorial dial is improvised using a 13 inch diameter aluminum plate embossed with fleur de lis around the perimeter. Hour lines run from 6am to 6pm with Arabic markers only at 12 and the 6's.
Saratoga Springs New York USA Horizontal Dial Dial 954
The beautifully engraved horizontal dial plate is a reproduction of the original 1901 dial. It is inscribed with “Lat 43 degrees 5 N, Long. 73 degrees 46.40 W.” This is at slight variance from the current GPS position, implying that the dial has been moved from its original position. The dial plate is 18 inches in diameter and the gnomon has a vertical height of 8.5 inches. The gnomon and dial plate are aligned at 12 degrees west of true north. Significantly, the compass magnetic declination for this location is 13.5 degrees west of true north. This misalignment makes the dial about 30 minutes fast. This is particularly unfortunate since the inscribed dial is capable of showing time to the nearest minute. The stone table upon which the sundial rests is a reproduction of a table found in the ruins of Pompeii.
Calgary Alberta Canada Armillary Sphere Dial 953
This large armillary sphere stands about 2m tall and 1.5m wide. The dial is marked by roman numerals etched completely through the equatorial band. Large holes form the hour moment, with smaller holes for the half and quarter hours. The meridian ring also serves as support for the dial. In addition are the arctic and antarctic rings. The design of a slot mechanism allows the equatorial ring to be rotated by 15° for Daylight Saving Time. However there is no plaque for the Equation of Time correction to civil time.
Summerland British Columbia Canada Armillary Sphere Dial 952
A steel patinaed armillary sphere about 1.5m in diameter, mounted on a low boulder. The dial is marked by roman numerals etched completely through the thick equatorial band. Large holes form the hour moment, with smaller holes for the half and quarter hours. The meridian ring also serves as support for the dial. In addition are arctic and antarctic rings. A ball at the center of the dial has outlines of the continents, reflecting its status as a representation of the Earth at the center of the celestial sphere. The design of a slot mechanism allows the equatorial ring to be rotated by 15° for Daylight Saving Time. A simple Equation of Time plaque attached the boulder has explanatory notes allows correction to civil time.
Saratoga Springs New York USA Armillary Sphere Dial 951
Beautiful iron armillary sundial about 6 feet high. Painted black it has gold Roman numeral hours on the equatorial time band. On the outside of the equatorial band are the twelve zodiac motifs and stars are on the meridian band. The gnomon deviates from the classic arrow, having a gold flange at the base and a spiked orb at the north end.
Woodland California USA Analemmatic Dial Dial 950
This colorful analemmatic dial is an opening of the garden path made of decomposed granite. The sundial is 18 feet wide in the E-W direction and just a bit more than 9 feet in the N-S direction. Tile hour marks go from 6am to 7pm, with an additional tile above the 12-noon saying "PST" (Pacific Standard Time). Since there is no longitude correction, the sundial actually shows local solar time. But a nearby plaque with the Equation of Time allows the user to determine true civil time. Bailey Points for showing the direction of sunrise and sunset are planned The central walkway is made of colorful tiles, with each tile representing one month that is clearly labeled.
Providence Rhode Island USA Noon Mark or Meridian Dial Dial 949
At first glance this is a gleaming stainless steel sculpture 15 feet long by 4 feet high in the shape of a Mobius strip. Although it fits its name "Infinity Possibility", it also contains a meridian noon mark sundial. At the south end of the Mobius, high up on its curved surface is a hole to allow the noontime sun to create a beam of light that hits a lower portion of the Mobius strip. Engraved on the strip is an analemma adjusted for the longitude of Brown University that shows date and civil time throughout the year. The analemma has monthly markers and is delineated with ticks every 5 days.
Kennesaw Georgia USA Horizontal Dial Dial 948
Developers of Kennesaw Gateway Park, a new group of townhouses within walking distance of of town center, collaborated with Kennesaw State University (KSU) to design and fabricate a 9-foot tall horizontal sundial that has been placed in the circular plaza of the housing common area. Page Burch, a lecturer of KSU's Master Craftsman Program was the lead coordinator to design and fabricate the sundial gnomon. The stainless steel gnomon has a brass veneer and an unusual tilted based that nevertheless results in the the gnomon angle of 34 degrees exactly correct for the site latitude.
Columbus Ohio USA Horizontal Dial Dial 947
This is one of a series of bronze sundials presented by Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, dedicated to the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic. This dial is 24 inches in diameter, with an ornate design of ovals at the exterior, sloping down to 30 inches in diameter. Hours are marked from 5am to 7pm in Roman numerals. Time is marked in quarter hours. The gnomon is a simple open triangle.
Columbus Ohio USA Horizontal Dial Dial 946
This brass dial is a replica of the sundial installed at Mt. Vernon. It is about 12 inches in diameter with an offset eight point compass rose. The chapter ring has hour marks from 5am to 7pm in Arabic numerals. Hours are divided into quarter hours. Unfortunately the gnomon is broken off leaving only the lower third.
Stillwater Oklahoma USA Vertical Dial Dial 945
This modern etched glass sundial faces nearly due south (declining only 48' East of South) with hour lines from 6am to 6pm marked in Roman numerals. The dial is a large 5 x 9 feet and held extended from the windows behind. The gnomon is a simple brass rod without nodus. No solstice lines or other embellishments mark the clean look of the dial face, making it easier to read from street level 3 stories below. The dial can also be read from inside the building.
St. Augustine Florida USA Horizontal Dial Dial 944
The bronze dial is about 18 inches in diameter with hour numbers in Roman numerals from 5am to 7pm. Decorated with hummingbirds on both the east and west sides and flowers both top and bottom. The gnomon is missing.
St. Augustine Florida USA Equatorial Dial Dial 943
A stainless steel about 12-inches in diameter with an equatorial band from 6am to 6pm. The equatorial band is about 1 1/2 inches wide while the meridian arc is about one inch wide. The gnomon is a stainless steel rod about 1/4 inch in diameter. The metal support has a large compass rose, with points to the four major and minor cardinal points. The dial sits upon a classic Charles Dickens formed pedestal with square base and top.
Savannah Georgia USA Horizontal Dial Dial 942
An 8-inch diameter bronze dial, with the traditional hourglass and wings says "Grow old along with me, the Best is yet to Be", The chapter ring has Roman numerals with hour marks delineated every 15 minutes. The dial sits upon a concrete pillar inscribed to Louis Burke Toomer.
St. Louis Missouri USA Horizontal Dial Dial 941
The dial has a horizontal plate about 10.5 inches in diameter made of bronze with a green-grey patina. The plate is sculpted as a sunflower. Hour lines are inscribed every 15 minutes and hours indicated in Arabic numbers.
Phoenix Arizona USA Analemmatic Dial Dial 940
On a trail of desert scrub is a cleared circular area, defined by a low pile of river stones as the border. Within is a titled analemmatic sundial about 30 feet across. The center walkway is made of sized adobe-red concrete tiles for each month. The abbreviation of each month is set into the tile. The matching hours on their elliptical arc are marked with small adobe-red concrete circles.
Peoria Arizona USA Horizontal Dial Dial 939
This wonderful sculpture of a hummingbird serves as the gnomon for an 18 foot diameter horizontal sundial. The sundial sculpture was inspired by the beauty of the hummingbird with many species of them living and thriving in Arizona. The gnomon stands 7-feet tall with intricate aluminum frets welded together to give both depth and warmth to the hummingbird. Surrounding the gnomon are 150,000 Vetriluxe one-inch square glass mosaic tiles in bright colors depicting a flower where the bird sucks nectar. Inlaid into the tile work are Arabic hour numbers from 6am to 6pm as well as the cardinal points.
Columbus Nebraska USA Equatorial Dial Dial 938
This monumental equatorial dial is in the style of an Erickson dial with 6-inch polar gnomon and granite dial plate about 10-inches thick and 4 feet in diameter. Summer hours (between the spring equinox and continuing until the fall equinox) are seen on the north face of the dial while winter hours (fall equinox and continuing until the spring equinox) are seen on the south face of the dial. Hours are delineated into quarter hours with hours marked in Arabic numbers. The chapter ring of hours divide the entire 24 hours of the day for artistic purposes. The dial sits on a square 5-foot concrete dais that holds a time capsule from the dial's dedication in 1986 that is to be opened 50 years hence in 2036. A bronze plaque on the dais explains the dial and the time capsule.
Fort Worth Texas USA Horizontal Dial Dial 937
This elegant horizontal dial is more than just a horizontal sundial. The designer, William Andrewes refers to this instrument as a "longitude dial". First designed by Franz Ritter in 1607, the dial plate contained a gnomonic map projection. The TCU dial has a map projection centered on Fort Worth. The dial is about 48 inches in diameter, made of black granite with excellent inset white marble for dial lines and a chapter ring delineated to the minute. An outer chapter ring gives the months of the year and corresponding minute correction of the Equation of Time. The gnomon is a thin rod with nodus to cast shadows on the map's tropic of Cancer, equator, and tropic of Capricorn. Other day lines record significant dates for Texas Christian University.
Saanichton British Columbia Canada Horizontal Dial Dial 936
A simple horizontal bronze sundial about 9 inches in diameter. A sun occupies the interior of the dial with hour lines extending to a chapter ring with Roman numerals marking the hours. Each hour is divided into eight parts along the outer edge of the dial. The dial sits on a square plinth with corresponding square stepped base.
Saanich British Columbia Canada Horizontal Dial Dial 935
The dial is simply but pleasingly decorated. The gnomon is plain. The pedestal is carved from stone taken from ruins of the Basilica of Ste. Anne de Beaupre in Quebec. The Quebec connection is indicated by the use of a Fleur De Lys on the dial face, and Napier's Scottish heritage is referenced by thistle motifs on brass accoutrements fitted to the pedestal.
Surrey British Columbia Canada Sculpture/Artwork Dial 934
The sculpture, titled "Gnomon", is a metal clematis leaf about 9ft tall and 3ft 6in wide at its widest point. It varies from about 1 in at the edge to about 4 in in the middle. The base is marked with cardinal directions and a present map of the neighborhood. There are a series of twelve 9 inch disks arranged around the sculpture set at a radius of 9 ft. The disks are positioned every 30 degrees around the circle, and at the north point, is an additional disk for "12 PST". All components of the sculpture are case iron, set into a graveled area. According to accompanying information,"Gnomon, featured in Fleetwood Park’s perennial garden, is inspired by the notion of a sundial marking time. A gnomon is the central part of a sundial that casts a shadow that marks the passage of time. This artwork tells the story of the passage of time in the growth, change, and appearance of Fleetwood’s historic community landmarks.
Vernon British Columbia Canada Analemmatic Dial Dial 933
This is a standard outdoor analemmatic dial located on a hillside allowing all-day illumination and providing good views of Vernon and the surrounding area. The layout was designed by James Kanester. Rather than acting as a "Human Sundial" this analemmatic uses a movable vertical pole that sits in a slot in the declination scale. A central figure-8 analemma curve provides an indication by date where to place the gnomon in the slotted meridian grove. The declination scale, designed and constructed by Joel Wrinch, is wooden with engraved lettering and analemma. The dial's hour marks are concrete posts, topped by glass mosaics made by local artist Connie Vetter-Johnson. Only whole hours are marked. Dial furniture includes a larger glass mosaic image of a hawk. The dial's major axis is about 22 feet, the declination scale is about 6 feet long, the hour markers are 12 inches in diameter. The hawk mosaic is about 18 inches in diameter.
Vancouver British Columbia Canada Horizontal Dial Dial 932
This was once a very beautiful sundial sitting on a short concrete pedestal. Now it has a missing gnomon and the dial color is uniformly aquamarine except where the coating has been rubbed away to reveal a white substrate. Tapping the dial face makes a dull sound suggesting the dial is not metal and may be hollow. A possible explanation is that the dial could be made of some kind of cast resin or fiberglass and was then spray-painted. The dial face itself is elegantly sculpted into five sectors, showing clusters of flowers, berries and fruits, creating a pronounced 3D effect. Because of this, the hour lines are reduced to short ticks at the edge of the dial face. The dial shows solar hours, marked off using Roman numerals.
Vancouver British Columbia Canada Equatorial Dial Dial 931
A simple but elegant and well-executed bronze equatorial dial by renowned local sculptor Gerhard Class. It is about 24-inches in diameter and is mounted on a 16 x 16 x 36-inch plinth of nephrite jade, damaged at one corner. The gnomon has a central slit and can be rotated about the polar axis to create a narrow beam of light for precise reading of the sun's position. The dial shows local solar time plus one hour, corresponding to Daylight Saving Time. The dial's construction is technically perfect but, sadly, the dial appears to be misaligned with the gnomon axis pointing 7 deg west of north.
Burnaby British Columbia Canada Equatorial Dial Dial 930
This substantial and durable 30 inch anodized aluminium equatorial dial is mounted on a concrete plinth with a brass plaque showing the Equation of Time and usage instructions. The gnomon consists of two parallel plates each with a figure-8 analemma cut out. When the figure-8 apertures are rotated toward the sun, the dial illumination is corrected for the equation of time by reading the correct edge of the analemma for the date. If it the gnomon is turned sideways to the sun, the gap between the plates form a slit that produces a narrow beam for reading solar time adjusted to the longitude of the Pacific time zone. The hour scale is marked out at 5 minute intervals. Hours are labeled for Standard Time and for Daylight Saving Time.
Dawson Creek British Columbia Canada Analemmatic Dial Dial 929
An analemmatic dial 23 feet 7 inches wide consisting of a simple concrete slab with black painted marking. Shows solar time plus one hour (akin to Daylight Saving Time). Dial is in memory of a local artist and community activist Edna McPhail (1923 - 2008) who championed the development of the Peace Park in which the dial is located.
Brentwood Bay British Columbia Canada Horizontal Dial Dial 928
This is simple horizontal sundial with the standard cast bronze dial plate, 12 inches in diameter. The sundial shows local solar time with Roman numerals from V to VII with noon marked as XII. The dial is delineated with marks for the half and quarter hours. The hour lines and gnomon angle are correct for the latitude. The gnomon root is in the center of the circular casting. Radiating out from the center is a compass rose showing the cardinal directions.
Vancouver British Columbia Canada Analemmatic Dial Dial 927
The analemmatic sundial is laid within a 15-foot circle of light red concrete, set in the middle of a large grey concrete concourse on the south side of the school. Hour points are marked by 4-inch bronze disks embedded in the concrete; the declination scale is made of embedded tiles. The scale is red in part and blue in part, denoting the summer and winter periods. Correspondingly, each hour point hour is labeled twice; red for Daylight Saving Time and in blue for Standard Time. The dial incorporates a longitude correction for the time zone, and features Sunrise & Sunset Markers ("Bailey Points"). All labels were hand-painted by students - a deliberate measure intended to require occasional repainting and hence continued student engagement and involvement with the dial over the years.
District of North Vancouver British Columbia Canad Analemmatic Dial Dial 926
This rather strange split analemmatic dial shows civil time. It has separate morning and afternoon dials with time marks for standard (blue) and daylight saving (red)time. Instead of the usual linear declination of dates made into a walkway on the meridian line, the split analemmatic dial has two analemmas, one for morning and one for afternoon with the yearly dates for standing on the analemma to correct solar time to civil time. As it turns out, the analemmas that are drawn are not "classic" analemmas but special curves where the position on each date is estimated as an average position to correct for all morning or afternoon hours. The only other such dial is at Longwood Gardens in PA. (NASS #328)
Vancouver British Columbia Canada Horizontal Dial Dial 925
A delightful dial in a delightful setting, well worth the modest admission fee. It is an 18 inch patinated bronze disk mounted on an elegant white granite pedestal, with the hours adjusted to the time zone. The face is a finely crafted bas relief delineated in quarter hours, with the hours labeled using Roman numerals. The lower part of the dial shows the Arms of UBC, along with the leaves and flower spikes of a plant. In keeping with the medicinal purpose of a Physic Garden, the sculpted gnomon features a snake (a traditional symbol for a physician) entwined around a poison chalice (a traditional symbol for a pharmacist). A plaque on the pedestal dedicates the dial to Frank Ebenezer Buck, 1876 - 1970, UBC’s first Landscape Architect. The pedestal is from the 1920s, predating the dial, and was used elsewhere in the Botanical Gardens for their now-lost original sundial.
Victoria British Columbia Canada Horizontal Dial Dial 924
A standard cast bronze sundial, 12 inches in diameter. It shows solar time with Roman numerals from V to VII with noon as XII. Also marked are the half and quarter hours. The hour lines and gnomon angle are correct for the latitude. The gnomon root is in the center of the circular casting in the center of the wind rose showing the cardinal directions.
Lansing Michigan USA Vertical Dial Dial 923
This is a vertical, east-declining sundial, 22 ft 6 in by 15 ft 10 in. The dial is constructed of 6061 aluminum alloy pieces electrostatically painted and bolted together,then mounted on a concrete block wall. The position of the gnomon, hour, solstice, and equinoctial lines are corrected for longitude to show time zone solar time. Stenciled hour line numbers are changed to display DST or EST at appropriate times of the year. Visitors can determine the correct time by referring to an Equation of Time display. During the year, the triangular gnomon tip casts its shadow on the declination lines of summer and winter solstices and equinoxes. This is the largest known vertical sundial in Michigan, and one of the largest in the United States.
Middletown Connecticut USA Vertical Dial Dial 922
This 6 x 6 ft. bronze, vertical sundial faces directly south on the curved sandstone wall of the Observatory. This dial was fabricated of Muntz metal bronze that received a hot applied green patina to compliment the brown sandstone color of this 1916 university observatory. Because of its large size, the metal dial weighs 650 lb. The hour numbers and lines are raised and applied to the surface of the dial. The Roman hour numbers that surround the dial plate in a frame take their shape according to the hour angle. Declination lines of the solstices and equinox are marked by the triangular gnomon shadow tip. The dial includes a built in longitude correction to show solar time for the time zone meridian. On a nearby wall below the dial, a plaque features an analemmatic graph for the equation of time correction to get clock civil time.
Albuquerque New Mexico USA Vertical Dial Dial 921
This painted vertical dial is 10 x 11 feet, covering a vast expanse of south facing wall. The dial has a strong New Mexico theme using bright colors, and many personal elements. There is a road runner, hot air balloon, a lunar footprint (centered at 2:18 (clock time) on July 20th 1969, the minute they landed). There is a red, white & blue star at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month for Veterans Day. In the night exposure of the sundial the star Polaris is just above the gnomon, as it should always be. All the little embedded details in the sundial are explained on the ‘Details’ tab of the website link below.