Northern Bay  
Sundial: 789
State/Province:  Newfoundland |
Country:  Canada |
Dial Type:  Armillary Sphere |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
47° 56.200' N  53° 4.783' W |
Location: |
Access: This is a private dial. See below for access details. |
- Northern Bay Sands Campgrounds
Northern Bay
Description: |
- An approximately 24 inch diameter steel and aluminum armillary dial with wrought iron scrollwork base. The equatorial ring includes an aluminum plate inscribed with hour, half-hour and five minute marks showing time from 5 AM to 7 PM. A plaque on the pillar below shows combined corrections for EOT and longitude. The dial is mounted on a 10 inch fluted concrete pillar, reinforced with steel rebar.
The dial is intended to serve as a point of interest for the many people, both young and old, who visit and enjoy the campgrounds each year.
This dial is installed in a private campground but is accessible to all who visit.
General Information: | Inscription: | - Owner: Neal O'Leary, owner of Northern Bay Sands Campgrounds
- Construction Date: July 27, 2014
Last Revised: 5/9/2015 10:05:3