Bloomfield |
Connecticut |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 25 |
Vertical dial on an eight ton granite cube, 4 foot (1,2m) on a side. Three vertical dials carved into the east, south and west sides. All three gnomons are missing A similar CIGNA cube dial is in Los Angeles, Union Square. Both dials owned by CIGNA Insurance Co. |
Branford |
Connecticut |
Equatorial Dial |
Dial 390 |
This large equatorial dial was created as part of a community effort to establish a Natural Habitat park for the town of Branford. The dial is 7 x 6 x 6 feet made of Stony Creek granite and stainless steel, weighing 13,000 pounds. The granite is indigenous to the town. The face of the stone is cut at approximately 41 degrees to match the site latitude, inspired by a design from Robert Adzema "The Great Sundial Cutout Book". Dial shows time from 7 am until 5 pm. |
Bristol |
Connecticut |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 178 |
Horizontal dial designed by Richard R. Bolster. Stone. "Mr. Bolster couldn't find dials to collect so he made his own collection." |
East Hartland |
Connecticut |
Noon Mark or Meridian Dial |
Dial 429 |
This upright stone was originally a noon marker at Nathaniel Taggart's inn in colonial North Blandford, MA. The stone was moved by Taggart's granddaughter Polly Taggart Church to Harland, CT, where she lived following her marriage. In 1935 the stone was set up in the Hartland Cemetery, casting its noon day shadow onto a flat stone with an engraved meridian line. |
Greenwich |
Connecticut |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 345 |
Large horizontal dial is 130 ft. diameter and uses 15 hour stones to mark the time. Dial designed by Shope Reno Wharton Associates and built by sculptor Mark Mennin of Bethlehem, CT. The striking gnomon is a bronze tapered spike 8 in. at the base and 35 ft. 2 in. in overall length set in a 4 ft. bronze web, producing a 20 ft. high tip above the average grade. The noon stone is a flat marble slab 5 ft x 8 ft with a center score line. The 14 other hour stones are sculpted marble, each about 3 ft x 5 ft, abstractly depicting the progress of mankind's social progress across time. Only the first and last stone are marked with a time arrow. On the ground are two marble cubes with didactic bronze plates. Dial is adjacent to a pair of bronzed driftwood horse sculptures (full size). Dial site will be the first stop on the Bruce Museum school tour route. Gift from the Millennium Committee to the city of Greenwich |
Hartford |
Connecticut |
Polyhedral Dial |
Dial 27 |
This is an 18th century polyhedral dial (dodecahedron). The dial was originally located at The Abbey, Storrington, Sussex, England. Carved stone with ten dials on a dodecahedral, some sunken, some planar. Pillar is about 12 ft. high. |
Hartford |
Connecticut |
Equatorial Dial |
Dial 28 |
A bronze equatorial dial presented to the college as a gift from the class of 1889. For its age, it is in remarkably good condition. The 3 foot wide by 2 foot tall half cylinder is engraved with both hour and declination lines. At the noon-equinox point of the dial face a perpendicular pole rises to the centerline of the cylinder and supports a N-S gnomon rod. Unfortunately the southern portion of the rod is missing. The base is a square, tapered pillar. |
Middletown |
Connecticut |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 922 |
This 6 x 6 ft. bronze, vertical sundial faces directly south on the curved sandstone wall of the Observatory. This dial was fabricated of Muntz metal bronze that received a hot applied green patina to compliment the brown sandstone color of this 1916 university observatory. Because of its large size, the metal dial weighs 650 lb. The hour numbers and lines are raised and applied to the surface of the dial. The Roman hour numbers that surround the dial plate in a frame take their shape according to the hour angle. Declination lines of the solstices and equinox are marked by the triangular gnomon shadow tip. The dial includes a built in longitude correction to show solar time for the time zone meridian. On a nearby wall below the dial, a plaque features an analemmatic graph for the equation of time correction to get clock civil time. |
Mystic |
Connecticut |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 186 |
Large slanted vertical dial on 8 ft. by 4 ft. wood rectangle mounted on a wall declining 80:50 east. Shows hours only till 11:30 AM, thus frequently called 'the morning dial'. Dial originally had no motto. Inscription was added later when dial was refurbished. Designed by Albert Waugh and fabricated by Edwin Pugsley. |
Mystic |
Connecticut |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 187 |
Vertical 7 ft. diameter dial. Dial painted on circular piece of wood with Arabic numerals 6AM-7PM on wall declining 9:10 west. Mounted below peak of building. Smiling sun face at point where gnomon strikes dial plate. Designed by Albert Waugh and built by Edwin Pugsley. |
Mystic |
Connecticut |
Armillary Sphere |
Dial 29 |
This armillary dial with a sailing ship weather vane is on the cover photo of Albert Waugh's book "Sundials - Their Theory and Construction" (paperback edition). The dial sits atop a short stone platform outside of the Treworgy Planetarium, on the grounds of the Mystic Seaport Museum in Mystic, CT. To correct solar time to clock time, the dial has an Equation of Time table at the base. The armillary sphere underwent a restoration in the summer of 2015, removing corrosion, repainting the dial structure and equatorial band, and re-stencilling the longitude degree markings. |
New Britain |
Connecticut |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 111 |
A 19 ft steel sculpture named 'Sheng'. Commissioned by the Connecticut Commission on the Arts in 1987 and designed by Robert Adzema. Basically a combination East and West direct dial with a circular gnomon. |
New Haven |
Connecticut |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 30 |
Vertical dial on Sterling Library. Rectangular stone with hour lines and Arabic numbers. Gnomon is a plain rod emanating from a sunburst. Stonework shows it to be built into the wall of the library. |
New Haven |
Connecticut |
Cylindrical Dial |
Dial 664 |
A nearly 50 foot tall vertical concave cylindrical projection dial of precast concrete lined with aluminum panels and with an aluminum band projection gnomon. The curvilinear interior surface is inscribed with vertical hour lines and horizontal solstice and equinox marks. The band gnomon features a 2.5 inch diameter hole that projects an image of the sun on the silver-colored interior surface against a shadow cast by the gnomon band itself. |
New Haven |
Connecticut |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 279 |
Large horizontal dial 17 ft. diameter with concrete gnomon 20 ft. high. Hour marks include longitude correction. Dial has a circular layout with a large sundial arm that sprays water on one side, a curved bench for sitting on the opposite side, a wading pool in between and a curved wall with three large oval holes cut out on one side. The sun shines through the wall onto the number of the sundial. |
New London |
Connecticut |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 473 |
A horizontal dial of striking modern design about 24 inches in diameter. The dial face is granite with milled wedges, leaving hour lines from 6 am to 6 pm. Hours are represented by small round bronze markers. The gnomon is of unusual design. When installed, the gnomon had a vertical glass plate below the style. The dial doubled as a fountain - water flowed from the top of the gnomon down the glass plate. Each of the bronze hour markers also had a small spray of water. The round granite dial is slightly smaller than the octagonal pedestal and base. A small trough between them recovers water from the fountain. |
New Milford |
Connecticut |
Equatorial Dial |
Dial 817 |
This 9-foot stainless steel equatorial is the centerpiece of "Galileo's Garden". The sundial was built and dedicated in memory of Kathleen Fischer, a sixth-grade science teacher who inspired many students to pursue science. The sundial is an open armillary, with an adjustable hour band so that both local solar time and civil time can be read. At the tip of the gnomon is a bronze and brass true-size rendering of Galileo’s first telescope, honoring the 400 years since Galileo explored the heavens. The North American Sundial Society was privileged to donate to this effort. |
Newington |
Connecticut |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 83 |
Bronze horizontal ring, suspended by curved semi-circles, with gnomon rising from the center toward the North. " can see resemblances to an anchor, a gimbal, and a mariner's compass" says designer Searle Lansing-Jones. |
Norwich |
Connecticut |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 546 |
A well-patinaed horizontal dial placed atop a stone column. Dial sits atop a cast aggregate column. |
Pomfret |
Connecticut |
Pillar Dial |
Dial 84 |
A 22 ft. high stone pillar dial built by William Ross Carpenter as a replica of the famous Charles Turnbull dial of Corpus Christi College in England dating from 1577. The pillar dial, called the Pelican dial, has multiple dials of various types. The Carpenter replica built in 1912 was restored in 1987. Ornate dial furniture with multiple inscriptions. A complex masterpiece. See the NASS Compendium Vol. 2 No. 1 for more details. |
Portland |
Connecticut |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 426 |
An 18x18 inch square horizontal sundial with ornate engraving. Along the edge are Roman numerals telling the hours. The gnomon is equally ornate. Both dial plate and gnomon are made of brass. Dial sits on a tapered granite pedestal with a square granite cap. |
Storrs |
Connecticut |
Pillar Dial |
Dial 85 |
Waugh memorial dial. Not oriented on cardinal points. It was rotated to avoid tree and adjacent building shadows. Gift of Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Lynch Sr., the Alumni Association, and funds raised for the purpose. The stone pillar is 12 ft. high. Constructed by the firm of Kenneth Lynch & Sons. |
Stratford |
Connecticut |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 86 |
Large vertical dial at the Shakespeare Festival Theatre entrance. The dial is formed around a large circular sunburst with Roman numerals at the edge. Gnomon is missing. Dial declines east and is non-functional for this position and location. Above the dial is a shield. |
Waterbury |
Connecticut |
Armillary Sphere |
Dial 757 |
A 24 inch diameter armillary with meridian, horizon, equatorial, tropic, Arctic and Antarctic rings. Equatorial ring is engraved with Roman hour numerals. The dial is supported on a narrow 4 foot tall granite pedestal.
The pedestal includes a plaque with an EOT graph and is inscribed to indicate the dial is the Class Gift of 2010. |
Wethersfield |
Connecticut |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 1120 |
A rectangular vertical sundial, 31 x 45 inches (0.8x1.1m), made of Vermont slate. Engraved with Roman hours from 6am-6pm and hour lines with delineation in quarter hours. The lines and letter engravings are painted black. The gnomon is a brass rod, suspended slightly off the noon line with an elegant "S" brass support. The date engraved on the dial of "1761" is not the date of the dial, but rather the founding of the church itself. The building is on the National Register. George Washington attended services here in 1781 when he was in Wethersfield meeting with Rochambeau on war strategy. In the late 1990's the Church was restored, and in that process a later addition was demolished on the building's south side, exposing an open niche above the auxiliary doorway. A perfect place for a sundial, orientated slightly off due south. |
Windsor |
Connecticut |
Equatorial Dial |
Dial 211 |
Equatorial dial about 5 ft. diameter made of brass and stainless steel The analemma is incorporated into the gnomon compensating for equation of time. Equatorial ring is rotated to compensate for difference in longitude to time zone. Designed and built by Physics/Astor Dept, University of Calgary, Alberta Canada. Dial sits atop a stone plinth marked with Keller's laws. |