Jackson |
Mississippi |
Armillary Sphere |
Dial 288 |
A 30 inch gilded bronze armillary sphere, titled "Cycle of Life". The armillary sphere is composed of rings representing the great circles of the heavens. The sundial symbolizes the cycle of life encompassed by the cycle of eternity. Figures of a man, woman and child represent the Cycle of Life. On the rings and base are depicted the elements, seasons, hours of the day and signs of the zodiac. All is held up by circle of tortises. |
Jackson |
Mississippi |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 387 |
A large, 4-foot (1.2m) brass horizontal dial with clean lines. Time is marked in quarter hours from 5AM to 7PM. Hours are in Roman numerals. Dial sits in the middle of an octagon dais supported on a square concrete block. The gnomon is a simple blade, but the engraving on the dial says "Lat 39.3 N" and is clearly wrong. The dial honors Billy Jim Thompson for his support of the Academy. He died in 2014 at the age of 91. |
Jackson |
Mississippi |
Armillary Sphere |
Dial 1061 |
This is a copper armillary sphere about 18 inches (46 cm) in diameter. It has a traditional gnomon rod and arrow motif. The equatorial ring has both standard (6AM to 6PM) and daylight saving time hour marks in Arabic numerals. Noon is centered, showing local mean solar time. On the base is a graphic Equation of Time curve to correct to civil time. The dial sits on a square pedestal of cast concrete. |
Lucedale |
Mississippi |
Sun Alignment |
Dial 820 |
This is a Veteran's Memorial consisting of a set of five large stainless steel panels with holes that guide sunlight to strike a memorial plaque. The alignment is designed to commemorate the signing of the armistice ending World War One, illuminating the plaque on Nov 11th at 11:00AM |
Lucedale |
Mississippi |
Analemmatic Dial |
Dial 834 |
This analemmatic dial (sometimes called a human sundial) is designed for children. Approximately 16 ft wide, it is constructed of red brick with steel hour marks. The numbers for standard time are large silver and the numbers for daylight saving time are smaller and black. A black steel walkway is located in the center of the dial with embossed months of the year. Children stand on the month. Their shadow marks the time. Large numbers are standard time. Small numbers are daylight saving time. |
Lucedale |
Mississippi |
Armillary Sphere |
Dial 849 |
The armillary is constructed of stainless steel with rings approximately 34 inches in diameter. The equatorial ring is a 3-inch band with 1-inch cast bronze Arabic hour numbers showing standard time and 1/2 inch cast bronze numbers for Daylight Saving Time. The other rings are unconventional. Rather than a horizontal ring, the ring is canted to match the latitude. The solstial ring that traditionally runs completely over the N-S vertical meridian is only 3/4 complete, creating an open area from the upper portion of the equatorial band to the southern pole that allows better viewing of the equatorial time ring when standing behind the armillary. The dial can be adjusted for the equation of time by rotating the equatorial ring to align on a plate with month marks set to the equation of time plus longitude offset, allowing the sundial to tell civil time. |
Natchez |
Mississippi |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 887 |
In 1716 the French built a fort on the bluffs of Natchez and named it Rosalie in honor of the Countess of Pontchartrain. In 1820 Peter Little, who came to Natchez from Pennsylvania in 1798 at the age of 17, purchased a portion of that land on which to build his home. He decided to keep the name Rosalie in honor of the fort and its settlers. The mansion and land was purchased in 1938 by Mississippi State Society, Daughters of the American Revolution. |
Ridgeland |
Mississippi |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 886 |
This is a small 7 x 10 inch vertical dial declining due south. It is made from wood with hour lines, half hour lines, and Roman numerals engraved using a wood burning tool. The simple gnomon is 1/8 inch steel. |
Senatobia |
Mississippi |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 792 |
A south facing vertical dial placed above a window high on a wall of a high school. The dial face includes hour lines and Arabic hour numerals 6 AM to 6 PM. The dial is a separate plate affixed to the wall. The dial may be viewed from College Street side of the building. |