Ann Arbor |
Michigan |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 616 |
A 6 foot (1.8m) square weathering steel horizontal dial with a 3 foot (1m) high and 6 inch (15cm) wide steel gnomon in the shape of a simple triangle. Hour lines are welded steel strips, but without hour numerals. The dial is set on a steel wedge such that on sloping ground it brings the dial face horizontal. The noon gap is an artistically designed angular strip. The hour lines are offset from local, reflecting the 26 min advance from the central time zone meridian. Local mean noon (when the mean gnomon shadow falls in the noon gap) occurs at 12:26pm CST. A Plaque with the Equation of Time to convert shadow time into CST is being developed. |
Lakewood |
New Jersey |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 615 |
A one-foot diameter bronze horizontal dial on a carved marble base depicting three satyrs holding up the dial. Sundial is original to the Gould estate, now Georgian Court University campus. The dial is supported by a carved marble sculpture depicting three satyrs. |
New York |
New York |
Sun Alignment |
Dial 614 |
A granite park bench about 30 feet diameter whose bench shelf was designed to cast a shadow indicating time on the equinoxes. Individual curved lines corresponding to the bench shadows mark 10AM, Noon and 2PM. Known as the Waldo Hutchins Bench, the bench includes a second hemicyclium dial above its backrest; refer to Dial 250. Dial alignment may not be accurate. |
Oakland |
California |
Reflective Equatorial |
Dial 613 |
One of Bill Gottesman's unique-design Renaissance dials of cast and structural bronze with a 27 inch diameter helix with a celestial-north aligned axis. Time is told by a focused beam of light that moves around the helix throughout the day. The light beam is reflected from a long cylindrical unsilvered mirror in a structure that supports the helix. A sliding time scale within the helix can be adjusted for EOT and DST and includes longitude correction. Once this scale is adjusted for date, the dial shows civil, or clock, time. The dial base is cast bronze allowing adjustment for latitude and placed on a concrete pedestal. |
Berkeley |
California |
Armillary Sphere |
Dial 612 |
The armillary dial is made of red bronze and rests on a quarried stone pedestal. The equatorial ring includes hour lines with 15-minute marks and Roman numerals. It was created by Frank Cheney, a UC Berkeley graduate, Class of 1941, and later donated to the Garden by his family. Mr. Cheney was a civil engineer who developed a hobby of building sundials. |
St. Augustine |
Florida |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 611 |
This painted dial is about 3 by 4 feet with simple lines marking the hours and quarter hours from 8 am to 5 pm. Hours are marked with. Roman numerals. The gnomon is a replacement of the original, coming out of the wall at a perpendicular angle, then bent for the slightly declining dial. Dial's painted coordinates are about 15" south and 27" east of true (Google Earth). |
Clifton Village |
Ohio |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 610 |
A 35 x 23 inch vertical acrylic painted wood dial. Dial face includes longitude-corrected hour lines with Roman numerals, noon analemma, and equinox and zodiacal declination arcs. The dial is designed for a declination of 1° 18' West of South. Dial nomenclature includes location, declination and time zone offset. |
Wilmington |
Delaware |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 609 |
An 18 x 24 inch cast bronze vertical dial offset from supporting wall by 6.25° to align south. Dial face has hour lines with Arabic numerals and depicts a leaf motif with sun and sun rays and two birds. |
Peoria |
Illinois |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 607 |
An 18 inch octagonal horizontal dial of cast bronze. The dial face includes hour lines with ten minute marks and Roman numerals. The dial is on an octagonal polished granite pedestal. The bronze gnomon is correctly set at 40? but appears to be more modern than the cast dial face. This is one of two "sister" dials ordered cast by Grant Hood; the second dial was placed at Bradley School of Horology but later disposed and now in private ownership in Lynchburg, Virginia. |
Lexington |
Kentucky |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 606 |
A 14 foot diameter horizontal dial of granite, marble and limestone with shrubbery delineation in the center of a cul de sac street. The hour lines are shaped to include analemmas to correct for EOT and are adjusted for longitude and DST. The shadow of the tip of the gnomon traces declination lines for solstices and equinoxes. |
St. Louis |
Missouri |
Analemmatic Dial |
Dial 605 |
A child-safe compliant surface analemmatic dial located in a roof garden. The dial face includes hour numerals, cardinal directions and moon phases. A nearby plaque give directions for use. |
Colorado Springs |
Colorado |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 604 |
A monumental 120 foot diameter horizontal dial of painted concrete with a vertical 12 foot high concrete gnomon. Standard time and DST hour numerals are shown as are solstice and equinox lines. Dial face includes two 6 foot diameter inlaid mosaic maps of the Western and Eastern Hemispheres. The gnomon is a truncated three-sided equilateral pyramid that inclines to the north so that the northern corner is vertical. Two bronze plaques give instructions for reading and equation of time correction. Seen from above, the overall design incorporates a Yin Yang symbol appropriate for this elementary school specializing in teaching Chinese language and culture. |
New York |
New York |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 603 |
A cast bronze horizontal dial approximately 30 inches diameter. The dial face includes the motto, astrological symbols of the ecliptic with Roman numerals. The 40-inch high cast pedestal sculpture depicts the three muses supporting the dial. This dial is visible from the street in front of the residence. |
Euless |
Texas |
Equatorial Dial |
Dial 602 |
A granite and stainless steel equatorial dial approximately 6 feet high. Equation of time and user information are shown on a granite lab in front of the dial. |
Grand Haven |
Michigan |
Equatorial Dial |
Dial 601 |
A bronze equatorial dial approximately 6 feet high with bowstring gnomon. Hour markings show Daylight Saving Time and are longitude corrected. Dial sits atop a brick plinth. |
Puerto Penasco |
Sonora |
Mexico |
Analemmatic Dial |
Dial 600 |
A concrete analemmatic dial set in the El Camaronero Plaza on the Sea of Cortez. The dial is 20 feet E-W across the hour markers. The dateline displays the 1st, 10th and 20th of each month. Dial includes 34 minutes longitude correction. Instructions in Spanish and English are displayed nearby. |
Vail |
Arizona |
Analemmatic Dial |
Dial 599 |
A brass and concrete analemmatic dial set in the Butterfly Garden at Colossal Cave Mountain Park at 3415 feet elevation. The dial is 21 feet E-W across the hour markers. A hand-held rod gnomon 143 inches long includes a bubble level for positioning. There is a modest park use fee to view this dial. |
Omaha |
Nebraska |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 598 |
A 7.5 foot diameter horizontal dial of water jet cut sheet bronze and cast bronze side molding with a 45 inch high gnomon. Very large Roman numerals show hours from 10 AM to 5 PM in Daylight Saving Time with longitude correction. The bronze dial rests on a short concrete and brick pedestal. |
Burlington |
Ontario |
Canada |
Armillary Sphere |
Dial 597 |
A simple steel armillary dial ten feet high overall on a 5x5 foot granite base. The dial is located in front of a building named in honor of William Bunton, a prominent local businessman who died in 1881. |
Toronto |
Ontario |
Canada |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 596 |
A 210 cm diameter horizontal dial of blue granite with a 56 cm high stainless steel gnomon. In addition to showing local time, the declination line that touches the base of the gnomon traces the path of the shadow on June 23 (date of the 1985 Air India terrorist-bomb air crash) and also marks solar noon at the crash site near Akahista, Ireland where there is a similar memorial sundial. Stones forming the pedestal represent all of the Provinces and territories of Canada, and the countries of India, Ireland, Japan and the United States of America. |
Delaware |
Ohio |
Armillary Sphere |
Dial 595 |
A 24 inch diameter stainless steel armillary dial with equator, meridian and horizon rings. The armillary includes compass points and zodiacal symbols. The dial sits atop a 6 foot tall architectural sculpture of four two-columned arches also made of formed and welded stainless steel sheet with a random polished pattern creating dark and bright areas that change as the sun moves across the work. The armillary is held by fingers of a sculpted hand, representative of works by the designer, Alvin Sher, and symbolizing mankind, creativity, knowledge, peace and greeting as well as identity among many other human meanings. The dial sits atop a six foot tall stainless steel architectural sculpture with four pairs of columns with a supporting arch between each pair. The entire sculpture is made of textured and welded sheet up to 3/16 inch thick. |
Louisa |
Virginia |
Cylindrical Dial |
Dial 594 |
An internal cylindrical dial built in a 16 foot diameter, 48 foot tall farm silo now located on a public golf course. The rim of the open top of the silo provides an elliptical shadow line on the inner wall of the silo. This is marked out with red hour lines and black date lines using the low point of the shadow on the wall as the time marker. The artwork has "three panels representing the continuity of man's perceptions of space: past, present, and future. In an abstract sense, the sundial represents the scientific, emotional, and philosophical struggles and triumphs of mankind." Contact Tanyard Country Club Golf Pro Shop at 540-967-1889 to ensure the silo door is open. |
Los Angeles |
California |
Sun Alignment |
Dial 593 |
A bronze-faced meridian arc dial 18 feet long, 13.5 feet high and 7 inch wide. Displays the meridian line and is inscribed with month and day markings, seasonal and lunar indicators and constellation figures. An overhead lens projects a solar image on the inscriptions. A large adjacent symbol is positioned to indicate which set of date markings is to be read from the meridian line. In a modern twist, photoelectric sensors embedded in the face of the arc are activated by the transiting spot of sunlight and send a signal to illuminate LED indicators on the 22 foot wide stainless steel ecliptic chart overhead, lighting up the stars of the constellation through which the sun is passing. |
Queens |
New York |
Sculpture/Artwork |
Dial 592 |
A 6 foot diameter bronze sculpture reclined 50° (latitude is 40° 45' N) with slit gnomon and hour marks. Gift of Joan and Richard Scheuer in 2000. More sculpture than sundial, it does have some hour marks but reclines and appears to be out-of-plane. |
Princeton |
New Jersey |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 591 |
White marble 5x5 foot vertical dial declines 23° E with metal gnomon. Sits atop 12 foot cement pillar. Hour lines with Roman numerals are shown for every hour from 6 AM to 3 PM. North side of dial face depicts a tiger; donators Lee & Margaret Butler are named below with date 1983. |
Princeton |
New Jersey |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 590 |
Circular vertical dial about 10 foot diameter on stone wall with bronze gnomon and substyle. Dial declines 23° east of south. Hour lines every half hour. Arabic hour numerals with 12 Zodiacal signs. |
Wheaton |
Illinois |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 589 |
Horizontal dial with 20 foot stainless steel gnomon. On the ground (dial face) are hour lines, analemma, date, and time before sunset. Built to commemorate DuPage County residents killed in military conflicts. |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
Armillary Sphere |
Dial 588 |
A 20 inch diameter bronze armillary on a four foot pedestal. Roman hour numerals from 3 AM to 9 PM. |
Elberton |
Georgia |
Sun Alignment |
Dial 587 |
A calendrical dial consisting of six granite slabs and standing 19 feet high arranged as a center stone with four surrounding stones and a capstone. A channel through stone indicates the celestial pole and a horizontal slot indicates the annual travel of the sun. The stone faces are engraved with ten guidelines or principles in eight different languages. |
Terre Haute |
Indiana |
Sun Alignment |
Dial 586 |
Via Solaris, a 20x15x4 foot granite, stainless steel and bronze calendrical dial showing yearly equinoxes and summer solstice. |
Prescott |
Arizona |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 585 |
An 18x20 inch cast bronze vertical dial declining 22? west of south on the wall of a private home. Dial face includes a stylized sun and outline of Thumb Butte, a prominent local landmark. Dial can be viewed by first contacting the owner. |
Nelson |
British Columbia |
Canada |
Armillary Sphere |
Dial 584 |
This is a lovely dial in a lovely setting. The armillary of wrought iron is intricately and carefully done and blends with the surrounding garden that uses wrought iron railings made with the same look to continue the theme of the sundial. The dial is a 4 foot wide by 6 foot tall armillary of mild steel and blown glass with punched Roman numerals of the hours on the equatorial ring. The ecliptic ring includes zodiacal symbols. Dial base has a 12 inch hemispherical time capsule to be opened October 14, 2015. |
Seaside |
Oregon |
Analemmatic Dial |
Dial 583 |
A granite analemmatic dial on the Promenade sidewalk near overlooking the beach. This dial, built in 1987, replaces an earlier dial painted on this sidewalk. Dial face is inscribed, "Enjoy your time in Seaside." While evoking the earlier painted dial, this new dial is not well designed and will have serious errors through the year. See the NASS Registry for a picture of the earlier painted dial. |
Ketchum |
Idaho |
Gnomonic or Projection Dial |
Dial 582 |
This sundial was never finished. Update 8/10/2007 from Brad Needham: Thanks for the question about the Ketchum sundial. It's a puzzling work, and it took me quite a few Google searches to find a bit of the story: evidently a local (to the Ketchum area) sculptor submitted a sundial design to the city, and somehow the deal fell apart after the dial was made but before the sculptor finished the gnomon. So Ketchum is left with all the markers in the street intersection for the equinox, the noon summer and winter solstices, and an analemma (of some sort), but no gnomon to make it all work. |
Las Vegas |
Nevada |
Equatorial Dial |
Dial 581 |
An equatorial dial with partial armillary rings made of stainless steel and brass with chrome trim. Dial face has hour lines for solar and longitude-corrected time. Inscribed with zodiacal symbols and dates. Dial is on private property but may be viewed from street. |
Parma |
Ohio |
Armillary Sphere |
Dial 580 |
A three foot armillary sundial with equatorial ring and gnomon pointer on a stone base with dedication plaque. Dial was built by the local high school vocational welding class in 1988. |
Tucson |
Arizona |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 579 |
Located on a side street wall of a private home, this 4x6 foot due south vertical dial uses welded iron numerals and gnomon. Built in 1954, this is the oldest known sundial in Tucson. Designed using Mayall and Mayall's "Sundials" and described in detail in April, 1954 Home and Garden Magazine. |
Phoenix |
Arizona |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 578 |
A 10 foot diameter horizontal dial with steel gnomon. Live desert plants fill planters delineated by hour lines. |
Seattle |
Washington |
Gnomonic or Projection Dial |
Dial 577 |
A colored-aperture projection calendrical sundial with one functional and four decorative 18 inch round clear stained glass apertures. Markings on floor indicate positions of projected orange light spot at solar noon from the spring to fall equinox. An additional noon mark indicates opening date of library. |
Glenwood Springs |
Colorado |
Analemmatic Dial |
Dial 576 |
An 11x15 foot poured concrete human analemmatic dial with Standard and DST numerals, seasonal markers and an EOT plaque. The dial is located on the playground of an elementary school. |
Victoria |
British Columbia |
Canada |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 575 |
A 30x20-inch vertical dial declining 7° 33' west of south made of granite inset in a stone wall. A memorial dial for Betty Whitlow commissioned by Dean Brian Whitlow. Inscribed, "IN MEMORIAM BETTY WHITLOW, UXOR MATER DELICTISIMUA, MCMXCVI." Information on EOT and longitude corrections are available just inside the south door of the cathedral. |
Surprise |
Arizona |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 574 |
A 108-inch diameter granite dial face with a 92-inch steel gnomon and nodus. Dial furniture includes a solar noon mark, sunrise and sunset points on the solstices and equinoxes, ecliptic date lines and an EOT graph. |
Miami |
Florida |
Analemmatic Dial |
Dial 573 |
A 16 foot diameter analemmatic dial of broken mosaic tiles. The numerals, months and lines are made with broken colored tiles. The major axis is 10 feet. A movable vertical gnomon is available for increased reading accuracy but a standing child is the usual gnomon. The colored number tiles are white for DST and black for ST. |
Victoria |
British Columbia |
Canada |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 572 |
A replica 12-inch bronze horizontal dial on a concrete plinth. This dial is a memorial for Marjorie Napier, a twelve-year-old St. Ann's student who died on 31 May, 1922. The original dial and limestone plinth were moved to Queenswood, a private retirement home for elderly nuns and seniors. A plaque for the replica dial reads, "In memory of Una Holm (Robertson) Class of 1928. Thank you the Sisters of St Ann's, the strength of Sister Eleanor Marie and the Rock which was St Ann's Academy. Replica sundial donated by husband Sandy E S A Holm and their daughter Karen Michaelson (Holm) Class of '53." |
San Ygnacio |
Texas |
Equatorial Dial |
Dial 571 |
A stone equatorial dial with an iron gnomon. Inscribed on both sides with hour lines. Placed above an entrance to a walled fort also built in 1851. Legend says Jose Villarreal designed and built the dial to celebrate his escape in 1820 as a child after capture by Lipan Apache Indians and being guided by the north star in his return home. Dial Recorder Mary Garza is the great-great-granddaughter of Jose Villarreal. |
Colorado Springs |
Colorado |
Equatorial Dial |
Dial 570 |
A 4 inch thick rose granite equatorial dial with a triangular dial face 60 inches on a side. A 70 inch long gnomon rod holds a 6 inch diameter spherical bronze nodus showing Earth as seen from space placed so that the Earth's axis is on the gnomon axis. The dial face shows solar noon and the dateline shows the date at solar noon and the equation of time. The granite plates are set 4 inches into concrete. |
South Woodstock |
Vermont |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 569 |
A painted 47x72 inch vertical dial of red oak declining east. Markings include analemmas for each hour, solstice declination lines and day lines for the first of each month with Zodiac icons on perimeter. Contact dial designer David Scott to arrange viewing. |
Gallup |
New Mexico |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 568 |
An 18 inch diameter horizontal dial of welded steel with a naturally weathered rusty brown finish. The hour lines are corrected for longitude and summer and winter solstice lines are shown. |
Albuquerque |
New Mexico |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 567 |
A vertical "Icarus Sundial" of bronze, copper and ceramic 86 inch high x 48 inch wide on a 30 inch high pedestal in front of the Explora science museum. The gnomon depicts Icarus falling; the back side depicts Icarus ascending toward the sun. The pedestal is placed within a 20 foot concrete circle showing a labyrinth defined by a sandblasted path of feathers. |
Tucson |
Arizona |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 566 |
A vertical 44x92 inch dial declining 4.53? east of south painted on the rough textured stucco wall of a private home. The 2x4 inch tall conical horizontal gnomon is gold plated brass. The dial face is hand painted with elastomeric acrylic exterior house paint. The horizontal conical gnomon optimizes the nodus shadow at the location low latitude to show time and date. Dial face shows date/declination lines, solar noon mark and hour, 1/2-hour and 15 minute lines. To arrange viewing, contact owner Christina McVie. |