Selected Sundials of North America

This is a selected listing of sundials in the North American Sundial Society Registry. Click on any dial thumbnail picture or city name to display the full dial description with additional information and images.



Casper Wyoming USA Horizontal Dial Dial 367
The horizontal dial is a bronze circle 13.4 inches in diameter with raised lines and numbers and mounted on an iron plate on a pedestal of green stone. The angle of the gnomon is roughly 20 degrees, and the hour lines are designed for a latitude of about 22 deg, clearly not designed for Casper's latitude of 43 deg N. See "Sightings" in NASS Compendium Vol. 6 No. 4, Dec 1999. Pedestal is of the same green stone as the Planetarium building.
Casper Wyoming USA Dial 1118
This monumental horizontal dial sculpture, "The Confluence of Space and Time", stands 30 feet (9m) tall with giant hour markers from 10am to 2pm. It features interactive features of a windmill in its interior and illumination by lights through the broken glass panels. The sundial is constructed of stainless steel, stainless steel Mesh, 6,800 lbs 3084 kg) of recycled glass, white marble rock, cast reinforced concrete. The designer/artist Matthew Dehaemer said of the project, "“Various graphically rendered spots surrounding the installation reveal the totality of our earth’s geological history and the existence of life since the beginning of our planet. This sundial sculpture utilizes the wind that is such a trademark of the area. Like the marks left by a variety of prehistoric animals, humans and other life forms throughout history, the wind has also helped carved the rock formations that make up the landscape of Wyoming today and into the future.”
Laramie Wyoming USA Horizontal Dial Dial 159
An ornate 18 inch brass horizontal dial sits on a massive four-stone block pedestal. The dial has hour lines from 4am to 8pm, with hours in roman numerals. Time is graduated into 5-minute intervals. The 12-noon mark is 3/8 inch wide, allowing for the gnomon which is missing.
Sheridan Wyoming USA Horizontal Dial Dial 840
This monumental horizontal dial is 15 ft. in diameter sitting on a foundation of poured concrete and rebar. The dial face is etched on 4 large granite slabs from Canada. The gnomon is a 6-inch diameter steel pipe 97inches tall with a welded nodus ball and a triangular sheet beneath the gnomon that has a sun and the school logo (a mountain range) cut into it casting projected images onto the sundial face.