Cove |
Oregon |
Equatorial Dial |
Dial 141 |
An unusual sun sculpture 5 foot tall and approximately 20 inches in width and depth. Has hour and minute markings arranged on horizontal members. A 1/4 inch steel rod functions as the gnomon. The dial is set to read Pacific Daylight Solar Time, with a stated accuracy of 15 seconds of time. |
Lake Oswego |
Oregon |
Analemmatic Dial |
Dial 763 |
An analemmatic dial with 20 foot major axis, 14 foot minor axis with hour markers and date line made of sandblasted concrete paver stones. A platform stand on the west side holds instructions on using the dial.
A preliminary version of this dial was included on the 2009 NASS Conference Sundial Tour. |
McMinnville |
Oregon |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 133 |
8 x 6 ft Stainless steel and copper The hour lines project beyond the dial face, which is mounted about 12' out from the wall and cast digit-shaped shadows on it. Thus both the hour-lines and stile line are shadows. The dial is mounted on the south face of a tower, structurally an elevator shaft. The bronze plaque at the base contains the inscription. |
Portland |
Oregon |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 660 |
A 4 x 2.5 foot south-facing vertical dial of mosaic tile whose hour lines include longitude correction. |
Portland |
Oregon |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 662 |
A classic stone 20 x30 inch south facing vertical dial with bronze gnomon on brick building above sally port about 30 feet above grade. Hour lines with Roman numerals are corrected for longitude. Flanking the sally port are carved figures of Lux, or light, with open eyes on the east and Nox, or night, closing its eyes for sleep on the west. Reed College is a west coast "Ivy League" college following the Collegiate Gothic traditions of Oxford, Cambridge and the eastern US colleges. |
Salem |
Oregon |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 708 |
A 14 inch square California granite horizontal dial with a bronze gnomon with hour and half-hour marks and Roman numerals showing PST. Dial face is engraved with the Class Year 1916 and the motto Audacity, Sagacity, Holiness and Charity. The gnomon may have been replaced since originally installed. The dial is atop a gray granite pedestal integral to the dial itself.
The June 8, 1916 Collegian university newspaper provided this: "In presenting the sundial to the university, Walter Gleiser, president of the class, gave a forceful speech in which he portrayed the never-failing accuracy of the instrument's function, believing that it would be of use to the community, and that it should symbolize the good that students of Willamette should be to the world." |
Salem |
Oregon |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 1103 |
This vertical declining sundial is form with small squares of tile, showing the hours within a dark grey circle of tiles. The hours are marked by long orange-tile hour lines while the half-hours are marked by two dark grey tiles. A secondary circle of light grey adorns the wall, showing the length of the shadows and making the dial aesthetically pleasing. The background tiles are porcelain in common designer colors. The gnomon is a substantial stainless steel shape formed with a hole and curving points on the downward side, allowing leaves and small branches to slide off. |
Seaside |
Oregon |
Analemmatic Dial |
Dial 583 |
A granite analemmatic dial on the Promenade sidewalk near overlooking the beach. This dial, built in 1987, replaces an earlier dial painted on this sidewalk. Dial face is inscribed, "Enjoy your time in Seaside." While evoking the earlier painted dial, this new dial is not well designed and will have serious errors through the year. See the NASS Registry for a picture of the earlier painted dial. |