Atlanta |
Georgia |
Equatorial Dial |
Dial 272 |
This equatorial dial 1 meter in diameter. Made of iron, it has both an equatorial and meridian arc. There is an east-west thin vertical hoop that holds the arcs together. The sundial gnomon is an arrow held by the meridian arc and pointing to the north celestial pole. The dial rests on a triangular base that has the German eagle carved on all three sides. |
Augusta |
Georgia |
Analemmatic Dial |
Dial 353 |
An elegant analemmatic dial approximately 12 feet long laid in granite into the brick Riverwalk esplanade. The hours are Roman numerals set in an elliptical ribbon. The hour marks extend from 6am to 8pm and are offset for daylight saving time as well as a 28 minute longitude correction, The walkway is nicely marked, and at the base has the outline of two shoes and instructs "Stand on Date". |
Elberton |
Georgia |
Sun Alignment |
Dial 587 |
A calendrical dial consisting of six granite slabs and standing 19 feet high arranged as a center stone with four surrounding stones and a capstone. A channel through stone indicates the celestial pole and a horizontal slot indicates the annual travel of the sun. The stone faces are engraved with ten guidelines or principles in eight different languages. |
Kennesaw |
Georgia |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 948 |
Developers of Kennesaw Gateway Park, a new group of townhouses within walking distance of of town center, collaborated with Kennesaw State University (KSU) to design and fabricate a 9-foot tall horizontal sundial that has been placed in the circular plaza of the housing common area. Page Burch, a lecturer of KSU's Master Craftsman Program was the lead coordinator to design and fabricate the sundial gnomon. The stainless steel gnomon has a brass veneer and an unusual tilted based that nevertheless results in the the gnomon angle of 34 degrees exactly correct for the site latitude. |
Macon |
Georgia |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 226 |
A horizontal dial 16 inches in diameter located beside the observatory, just outside the museum. Includes hour markings for EST and DST and an EOT graph. Hour lines corrected for longitude. Mounted on a 24 inch high pedestal low enough for children to enjoy. |
Pine Mountain |
Georgia |
Analemmatic Dial |
Dial 386 |
Interactive analemmatic dial set in an herb garden. Visit website |
Savannah |
Georgia |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 705 |
A 10 inch round bronze horizontal dial called "The Bull Sundial", sits on an octagonal stone atop a 3 foot high fluted pedestal. The pedestal is in the center of a 10 foot square plaza containing four tile mosaics.. Dial face has Roman numerals, hour lines, five minute marks and a central compass rose. This dial is located under a heavy canopy of trees and likely never gets direct sunlight today, |
Savannah |
Georgia |
Armillary Sphere |
Dial 706 |
A six foot diameter armillary sphere of steel and bronze with equatorial, meridian, equinoctial colure, ecliptic, Arctic and Antarctic rings. Equatorial ring has Roman hour numerals but no hour marks and includes gold plated Zodiacal symbols on exterior of ring. The sphere base is supported on the backs of cast tortoises atop a 3 foot high square marble pedestal. This dial is located under a heavy canopy of trees and likely never gets direct sunlight today. |
Savannah |
Georgia |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 942 |
An 8-inch diameter bronze dial, with the traditional hourglass and wings says "Grow old along with me, the Best is yet to Be", The chapter ring has Roman numerals with hour marks delineated every 15 minutes. The dial sits upon a concrete pillar inscribed to Louis Burke Toomer. |