New Jersey
Bloomfield |
New Jersey |
Armillary Sphere |
Dial 109 |
An armillary sphere 5 feet in diameter, with a bronze 8 inch equatorial band holding hour marks on the inside and decorated with animals of the zodiac on the outside. A simple rod serves as the gnomon. The armillary is supported by 8 cast bronze turtles on top of a four foot cylindrical pedestal. The turtles point to the cardinal and intermediary points of the compass. This very handsome dial was made by Kenneth Lynch. |
Cranford |
New Jersey |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 797 |
A 15 foot diameter horizontal dial with 5 foot high welded stainless steel plate gnomon. The dial face is elevated 18 inches by a white marble-faced platform above a 50 foot diameter concrete plaza that includes inset stainless steel hour line extensions. The dial face is rimmed with Bluestone and has elevated stainless steel hour lines for 4 am to 8 pm and elevated three inch stainless steel Arabic hour numerals. Cardinal directions are marked with elevated 6 inch stainless steel letters. |
Ewing |
New Jersey |
Compound Dial |
Dial 231 |
A combination horizontal and equatorial dial. Stainless steel equatorial ring is 8 feet wide x 10 feet high. Equatorial gnomon extends to cement face of horizontal dial. Bronze plaque provides a table of corrections for EOT and longitude. Identified as the William H. Hausdoerffer Sundial to honor Dr. Hausdoerffer, Class of 1936, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Department Chairman, Dean of Men, TSC Athletic Hall of Fame, Alumni Executive Board and adviser to many groups, serving from 1940 to 1979. |
Flemington |
New Jersey |
Compound Dial |
Dial 565 |
A 12x9-inch combination equatorial and polar dial made of stainless steel and titanium. Solstice and equinox lines are shown on the polar dial face. This sundial is located in the park behind the old county courthouse where the Lindburgh baby kidnapping trail was held. |
Flemington |
New Jersey |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 355 |
Horizontal dial with an intricately hand cut stainless steel gnomon with a cast bronze dial face. The shadow casting style is the lower edge of the large gnomon. A second short gnomon indicates solstice and equinox dates. Dial sits atop a 700 lb stone pedestal base. |
Hillsborough |
New Jersey |
Obelisk or Vertical Gnomon |
Dial 504 |
A gnomonic horizontal dial constructed in bright colors on a 20 by 14 foot concrete pad. The gnomon is a vertical steel pipe 1 meter tall with a small nodus at the top. Hour lines are marked within summer and winter solstice and equatorial lines. The dial is marked with both standard and daylight local solar time. The noon line is complemented by its analemma with the months labeled. The sundial is used by Sunnymead School to aid in the science curriculum. The sundial was designed and created by Michael Folsom-Kovarik as an Eagle Scout project. Construction began on July 20, 2002 and ended on June 28, 2003. Michael was approached by Paul Stockman (the Home and School Association's treasurer) with the idea of building a sundial at Sunnymead School. Michael then came up with the design (made to keep the sundial as a useful teaching tool for the entire school day no matter what time of year) and location. After a year and a half from planning to completion, Sunnymead Elementary has a working and accurate sundial! |
Jersey City |
New Jersey |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 434 |
A horizontal dial 12 feet across made of concrete and pipe. |
Jersey City |
New Jersey |
Equatorial Dial |
Dial 1091 |
The equatorial sundial is a classic "bow string" sundial using a thin rod with a nodus to tell both time and date. The nodus is a small disk with a hole in the center to let a beam of sunlight fall near the noon hour line on the equatorial ring. The equatorial ring (a semi-circle) as the rest of the dial is stainless steel, The dial is 12 feet (4m) at the base and 12 feet (4m) in height, forming a 45 deg triangle in profile. |
Lakewood |
New Jersey |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 540 |
A horizontal dial of cast brass or bronze with a 2-foot diameter dial face showing hours in Roman and Arabic numerals. Coordinates and EOT corrections are shown as is the university motto, "Georgian Court: Bonitas, Disciplina, Scientia." Sundial face is also the sun in a scale model of the solar system, with the planets depicted in brass plaques placed at to-scale distances. |
Lakewood |
New Jersey |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 615 |
A one-foot diameter bronze horizontal dial on a carved marble base depicting three satyrs holding up the dial. Sundial is original to the Gould estate, now Georgian Court University campus. The dial is supported by a carved marble sculpture depicting three satyrs. |
Longport |
New Jersey |
Sun Alignment |
Dial 1004 |
This concrete and bronze dial is really an alignment sculpture, honoring events from Armistice Day (Nov 11, 1918) to Pearl Harbor (Dec 7, 1941). A five-vaned support casts a shadow onto brass medallions on the time and date of the event such as the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month for Armistice (Veterans) Day. Surrounding the dial are five bronze plaques representing the different branches of the U.S. armed forces. |
Morristown |
New Jersey |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 332 |
12 in diameter horizontal dial with very elaborate engraving on the bronze dial plate. In the center is a 32 point compass rose. Hour lines are corrected for gnomon width. The Equation of Time chart is engraved inside circle of hour lines with Roman numerals, which extend 4Am-8PM. At the south end of the gnomon is engraved 'R Glynne Fecit'. This appears to be a copy of dial by Richard Glynne, an 18th century dialist. Pedestal is a concrete spiral. |
Morristown |
New Jersey |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 98 |
12.75' dia. Granite with Bronze numerals 10" long. Commonly called the Washington Memorial Dial. An inscription on the octagonal base indicates this memorial is a tribute from the Daughters of the American Revolution. |
Morristown |
New Jersey |
Analemmatic Dial |
Dial 819 |
This analemmatic dial is approximately 20 feet wide by 12 feet long, constructed of reinforced, high strength cast-in-place concrete. Showing both Standard and Daylight Savings Time, the dial uses a dual ring of twenty-eight circular hour markers. Each hour marker is a 12 inch diameter precast paver flush with the surrounding landscaping with an aluminum Arabic hour numeral on top. |
Newark |
New Jersey |
Analemmatic Dial |
Dial 1054 |
An elliptical analemmatic sundial done in a circular motif representing the sun. Dial is in colored concrete and the Zodiac walkway is a series of circles with the month's number. The time is properly marked on the ellipse with a circular marker, but the hour number is at the end of the sun's "flames" on the circumference of a large circle containing the rest of the dial |
Paramus |
New Jersey |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 331 |
A ground level horizontal dial constructed from a rim of ten interlocking concrete pieces each 33 inches long. The interior is filled with an irregular concrete pieces whose edges form the hour and half-hour lines. The gnomon is iron, 51 inches from base to tip of style. The gnomon interior has a bronze statuette in the shape of a griffin taken from George Washington's coat of arms. The dial was stolen and replaced in early 1980's. |
Pennington |
New Jersey |
Cylindrical Dial |
Dial 803 |
This is an adaptation of the dual cylindrical sundial design by Hoffmann Albin of Butgenback, Belgium that provides for two separate dials to be displayed. In this variation, the two dials are separately displayed after being rotated and locked into viewing position every six months on the solstices. Except for two bronze sleeve bearings, all parts are 304 stainless steel that has been glass bead blasted to reduce reflection, machined, welded or laser cut. The analemmal hour lines, equinox and month lines are laser etched into the stainless steel dial plates. The dials and their supporting cradles are 12 gauge with 12" diameters. The post is 1.75" in diameter. |
Princeton |
New Jersey |
Pillar Dial |
Dial 339 |
A 22 ft high stone pillar dial, given by Sir William Mather, governor of Victoria University, Manchester, England, in 1907. It is a reproduction of the famous Turnbull dial of Corpus Christi College in England. This replica is the same as the one at Pomfret School, in CT. (#84). It was unveiled by Woodrow Wilson in 1907. |
Princeton |
New Jersey |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 591 |
White marble 5x5 foot vertical dial declines 23° E with metal gnomon. Sits atop 12 foot cement pillar. Hour lines with Roman numerals are shown for every hour from 6 AM to 3 PM. North side of dial face depicts a tiger; donators Lee & Margaret Butler are named below with date 1983. |
Princeton |
New Jersey |
Vertical Dial |
Dial 590 |
Circular vertical dial about 10 foot diameter on stone wall with bronze gnomon and substyle. Dial declines 23° east of south. Hour lines every half hour. Arabic hour numerals with 12 Zodiacal signs. |
Toms River |
New Jersey |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 507 |
A horizontal dial about 22 feet in diameter. The dial base is stone and gravel outlined in shore juniper plants. Treated lumber, now gray through weathering, is used for the both the hour lines and the marking Roman numeral hours. Nicely fashioned with a hub of green junipers in the center surrounding a simple wood gnomon. Builder Richard Perez started off just wanting something a little different?and the sundial emerged in 1992 as the main theme of landscaping. |
Union City |
New Jersey |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 1113 |
This beautiful sundial is 4 feet (122cm) sundial and made from two layers of 1.25 inch (3.1cm) thick hardened marble. Arabic hour numbers from 6am to 6pm, letters, and gnomon are 1/4 inch (6.35mm) brushed gold anodized aluminum. The gnomon is shaped as a slanting "P" and to the south of the dial center, the name "Pellarin". The dial sits on a 3-foot (1m) black marble cube. |
Washington Crossing |
New Jersey |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 164 |
A 13-inch diameter horizontal dial made of iron. The dial has hour lines from 5am to 7pm, marked with Roman numerals. The gnomon is of unusual design. Set at 45 degrees, the style is supported by the profile of an eagle, head facing northward, and tail tapering to the southern point of the style. The base is a square pedestal, cobbled of stone and mortar. At top is a stone cut square to hold the dial. |
Wildwood |
New Jersey |
Analemmatic Dial |
Dial 914 |
On the boardwalk, inset into the wood planks is a smooth concrete walkway about 12 inches wide. Months and instructions are given in neat lettering made in the concrete. The hours are done on a half-ellipse using the same smooth concrete, Arabic numbers, and 15-minute time marks (far narrower than a person's shadow). The dial is set for daylight saving time (with no longitude correction). |