Carbonear |
Newfoundland |
Canada |
Armillary Sphere |
Dial 762 |
A four foot diameter armillary dial built of 1.5 x 0.5 inch flat steel bar and 3/4 inch steel rod. A 1/2 inch steel rod gnomon casts the shadow on an aluminum equatorial ring, which includes hour and 5 minute marks. Dial includes horizon, equator, ecliptic, tropic, Arctic and Antarctic Circle rings. |
Carbonear |
Newfoundland |
Canada |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 767 |
A 10 inch diameter horizontal bronze dial with engraved nomenclature. Hour numerals 4 AM to 6 PM are Roman; ten minute numerals are Arabic and two minute marks are shown. Minute numerals are engraved in sequence 60, 20, 40, 60. Face engravings include EOT dates, "WATCH FASTER" and "WATCH SLOWER" and a central compass rose. |
Northern Bay |
Newfoundland |
Canada |
Armillary Sphere |
Dial 789 |
An approximately 24 inch diameter steel and aluminum armillary dial with wrought iron scrollwork base. The equatorial ring includes an aluminum plate inscribed with hour, half-hour and five minute marks showing time from 5 AM to 7 PM. A plaque on the pillar below shows combined corrections for EOT and longitude. The dial is mounted on a 10 inch fluted concrete pillar, reinforced with steel rebar. |
Saint Anthony |
Newfoundland |
Canada |
Heliochronometer |
Dial 169 |
A Pilkington & Gibbs Heliochronometer, 9 in. diameter, 9 in. high bronze with two sights, 3 x 1.5 in. Points of compass on dial base, months and dates on face. Rotates to compensate for EOT. Dial is a circular plate, mounted to allow adjustment for latitude. Gnomon consists of two cast posts with vertical slits, about 6 in. high, on opposite sides of plate. Another adjustable scale permits EOT corrections. It was part of original house from 1909-1939. Not dated, but the chronometers were sold between 1907-1914. Now on display in museum and not set up for use. Heavily patinated with some corrosion. Fabricated by Pilkington & Gibbs Ltd, Preston England, # 433. The dial is mounted to a solid Labradorite pillar, 1 foot square, 21 inch high. |
St. John's |
Newfoundland |
Canada |
Horizontal Dial |
Dial 775 |
A 10 inch diameter heavily cast bronze horizontal dial with bronze gnomon that was apparently replaced or remounted in the past. The dial face includes hour and half-hour lines and Roman hour numerals from 5 AM to 7 PM. The center of the dial face shows a simplified map of the world.
The dial sits atop a stone pedestal with a two-part octagonal base. The base is inscribed with a dedication to the memory of Sir Edgar Rennie Bowring, K.C.M.G. (1858-1943), industrialist, born at St. John's, Newfoundland on August 17, 1858, son of John Bowring and Mary Rennie. |
St. Johns |
Newfoundland |
Canada |
Armillary Sphere |
Dial 132 |
A 38.5 inch diameter bronze armillary with equatorial, meridian and horizon rings and with Roman hour numerals. Dial sits atop a six foot high concrete pedestal. The dial was restored in 1999 by Memorial University's Technical Services Department to celebrate the Festival of Anniversaries. |