What's New Under The Sun

Tuesday, 24 September 2024 16:47

Dario Radley reports in Archaelogical News Online Magazine (Aug 24, 2024) that an ancient observatory from the 6th century BCE was found by the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities at Tell El-Fara'in archaeological site. “It highlights the advanced astronomical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, including their ability to determine the solar calendar and  significant religious and...

Saturday, 22 June 2024 19:38

Off Interstate 405 in the hills of Los Angeles is the Getty Research Institute, part of the campus of The Getty Center. The Center houses the free Getty Museum, the Getty Library, Getty Research Institute, Getty Foundation, and Getty Conservation Institute. The Getty Research Institute opened its doors to the public in December of 1997, where besides the thousands of books, art collections,...

Sunday, 24 March 2024 18:30

There are lots of maps showing where to go for the April 8th 2024 total solar eclipse and others showing the statistical chance of clouds such as https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2024/02/22/april-eclipse-clouds/  From Little Rock Arkansas to the Mazatlan coast there is a high probability of clear weather.  The cities from Indianapolis through Cleveland OH, Rochester and Syracuse...

Sunday, 24 March 2024 01:42

When is a watch not a watch? When it unfolds into an equatorial sundial.  The watch, designed by Yu Ishihara is called a "Watch Exclusively for Sunny Men" and was part of a contest sponsored by Seiko to "help reimagine what a watch can be", aimed at creativity and perhaps for eventual production. Read about it at...

Wednesday, 06 March 2024 00:17

  Dr. Federica Gigante, from Cambridge Univerity's History Faculty, discovered a rare astrolabe sequestered in a museum at Verona, Italy.  Publishing in Nuncius (1 March 2024) Dr. Gigante presents "a hitherto unknown remarkable astrolabe from Al-Andalus which likely belonged to the collection of Ludovico Moscardo (1611–1681) assembled in Verona in the seventeenth century. The...

Friday, 23 February 2024 16:53

Spanish sundialist Esteban Martínez has launched the resolution to establish the World Sundial Day to occur each year on the Spring Equinox.  According to the petition circulated by Martinez, "Reason  Sundials represent the union of disciplines as disparate as Astronomy, Mathematics, [and] Geography...They have an undoubted didactic value in teaching astronomy to young people and as...

Sunday, 05 November 2023 16:30

Smithsonian Magazine holds a photo-of-the-day contest. Winner on 30 Oct 2023 was Harita Sistu who took a photo of the large sundial of Jantar Mantar, Jaipur India (taken in July 2022). Harita notes: "I wanted to try my best to capture just how massive the instrument is and bring focus into the incredible skill that went into designing and constructing it." See other NASS...

Friday, 14 July 2023 23:08

A sundial or performance center or solar generator? It's all three. Called the Arco del Tiempo (Arch of Time), the design by Berlin architect Riccardo Mariano provides the projection of the sun's rays onto the ground through tinted glass apertures spanning the length of its arching ceiling. The elliptical shaped spots change every hour, telling "the solar time each day and delight visitors with...

Saturday, 01 July 2023 00:36

According to NewAtlas.com (https://newatlas.com/architecture/sun-tower-open/), construction of the Sun Tower exhibition building and outdoor theater is underway in the Chinese city of Yantai. The tower is being constructed by a French firm, Ducks Sceno and the engineering firm Arup, raising to 50m (164 ft) gracefully into the sky.  The tower symbolizes the historic watch towers of...

Sunday, 25 June 2023 22:17

Julie Baumgardner in The Art Newspaper of Jan 13, 2023 reports on the construction project of Point of Infinity, a nearly 70 foot (21m) hyperbolic cone will reach toward the sky as part of a 50 million dollar park development on Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island. In a competition held by the San Francisco Arts Commision on behalf of the Treasure Island Development Authority, Hiroshi...

Thursday, 30 March 2023 00:03

In the Swiss mountains near the resort of Zermatt just beneath the Matternhorn, Stir World reports that "famed luxury Swiss watchmaker Hublot announced Daniel Arsham as its new ambassador, with a compelling piece of temporary land art. Aptly titled "Light & Time", the work is a Hublot-inspired 20-metre sundial resting in the shadows of the Matterhorn mountain." This sculptural is billed as...

Chaucer and the Astrolabe

Geoffrey Chaucer was a learned man of the 14th century (c.1340-1400) who was not only author of The Canterbury Tales, but a customs officer, justice of the peace, member of Parliament, possible spy for Richard II, and competent astronomer.[1]  He knew both astronomy and the astrolabe.

Around 1391 Chaucer began to write a Treatise on the Astrolabe, beginning with the lines: “Little Lewis my son” starting the first technical manual written in English for his son or a close friend describing the theory and operation of the astrolabe:

Chaucer MS 300px

Chaucer Treatise on the Astrolabe manuscript c.1400, Harvard Library

 “Lyte Lowys my sone, I aperceyve wel by certeyne evydences thyn abilite to lerne sciences touching nombres and proporciouns; and as wel considre I thy besy praier in special to lerne the tretys of the Astrelabie. Than for as mochel as a philosofre saith, ‘he wrappith him in his frend, that condescendith to the rightfulle praiers of his frend,’ therfore have I latitude of Oxenforde; upon which, by mediacioun of this litel tretys, I purpose to teche the a certein nombre of conclusions aperteynyng to the same instrument. I seie a certein of conclusions, for thre causes. The first cause is this: truste wel that alle the conclusions that han be founde, or ellys possibly might be founde in so noble an instrument as is an Astrelabie ben unknowe parfitly to eny mortal man in this regioun, as I suppose. An-other cause is this, that sothly in any tretis of the Astrelabie that I have seyn there be somme conclusions that wol not in alle thinges parformen her bihestes; and somme of hem ben to harde to thy tendir age of ten yeer to conceyve.

 “This tretis, divided in 5 parties, wol I shewe the under full light reules and naked wordes in Englissh, for Latyn ne canst thou yit but small, my litel sone. But natheles suffise to the these trewe conclusions in Englissh as wel as sufficith to these noble clerkes Grekes these same conclusions in Grek; and to Arabiens in Arabik, and to Jewes in Ebrew, and to the Latyn folk in Latyn; whiche Latyn folk had hem first out of othere dyverse langages, and writen hem in her owne tunge, that is to seyn, in Latyn. And God woot that in alle these langages and in many moo han these conclusions ben suffisantly lerned and taught, and yit by diverse reules; right as diverse pathes leden diverse folk the righte way to Rome. Now wol I preie mekely every discret persone that redith or herith this litel tretys to have my rude endityng for excusid, and my superfluite of wordes, for two causes. The first cause is for that curious endityng and hard sentence is ful hevy at onys for such a child to lerne. And the secunde cause is this, that sothly me semith better to writen unto a child twyes a god sentence, than he forgete it onys.

“And Lowys, yf so be that I shewe the in my light Englissh as trewe conclusions touching this mater, and not oonly as trewe but as many and as subtile conclusiouns, as ben shewid in Latyn in eny commune tretys of the Astrelabie, konne me the more thank. And preie God save the king, that is lord of this langage, and alle that him feith berith and obeieth, everich in his degre, the more and the lasse. But considre wel that I ne usurpe not to have founden this werk of my labour or of myn engyn. I n’am but a lewd compilator of the labour of olde astrologiens, and have it translatid in myn Englissh oonly for thy doctrine. And with this swerd shal I sleen envie.” [1]

Chaucer’s Treatise on the Astrolabe was written in Old English and survives in some 32 manuscripts, second only to the copying of The Canterbury Tales. In 1900 Walter Skeat [2] examined many of these manuscripts and concluded that only seven or eight are “first class” copies of Chaucer’s original text. In fact, many of the scribes were clueless as to what they were copying.  All of the manuscripts held today represent copies of Chaucer’s Treatise made after his death. Many of the manuscripts have errors and some are incomplete. However, Chaucer’s text itself is incomplete, as Chaucer himself apparently ended his text rather suddenly in mid-sentence with the last words “howre after howre”.

Several of the manuscripts include drawings of the astrolabe that Chaucer describes. None can be shown to come from the hand of Chaucer, but the drawings closely match several existing astrolabes held in collections today.  Which one is Chaucer’s? Catherine Eagleton makes a case none of the so called “Chaucer astrolabes” belonged to Chaucer and that “the [astrolabe] instruments were probably made from the diagrams and text of the manuscripts, and suggest that Chaucer’s posthumous fame encouraged the production of astrolabes to his design. It was not so much ‘Chaucer’s own astrolabe’ as ‘an astrolabe just like Chaucer’s’”. [3]  One of the finest examples of a “Chaucer Astrolabe” held by the British Museum was made circa 1326, fourteen years before Chaucer’s birth.  Another, perhaps contemporaneous astrolabe upon which the NASS astrolabe is modeled, was made around 1370.[4] 

ChaucerMS Drawing Astrolabe1370

(left) Drawing of Chaucer’s astrolabe Rete in one of the early manuscripts of Treatise on the Astrolabe shortly after Chaucer’s death in 1400.  The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, MS. Rawlings D. 913/29r.
(right) One of several astrolabes similar to Chaucer’s description in Treatise on the Astrolabe, made c. 1370.  Museum of the History of Science, University of Oxford

NASS is offering a 7-inch (180mm) 3D-Printed version of an Astrolabe in the Tradition of Chaucer tailored to your latitude.  Go to: NASS Shop - Sundials & Astrolabes

Chaucer drew upon at least two medieval texts for details of the astrolabe:  De Sphaera,  written by the mathematician John de Sacro Bosco (died c. 1236) which was claimed at the time the “most popular university text”[5] and Compositio et Operatio Astrolabii that at one time was solely attributed to the Jewish Persian astronomer Mashallah (740-815 CE) of the Abbasid Caliphate in Basra, but now more likely is believed to be a compilation from different authors.[6] Regardless of origin, the text was “most widely known [by learned men] in Chaucer’s time”.[7]

The astrolabe is the story of the stereographic projection, originating with the Greek astronomer Hipparchus (c. 150 BCE), who is credited with discovering the mathematical means of projecting the domed spherical sky onto a flat round plate. “The emergence of the astrolabe as a single instrument began with the bringing together of two forerunners in Greece in the second century BCE: the dioptra – an instrument for sighting the altitudes of celestial bodies – and planispheric [stereographic] projections which could be used to represent the celestial sphere on a flat surface.”[8]

Hipparchus’ star catalog as well as his mathematics was ultimately passed to Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria (c. 100-170 CE) who produced an updated and most famous star catalog the Almagest containing 1022 stars.  But the Almagest was really a book on cosmology, mathematics, motions of the planets and the moon, precession of the equinox, and of course, the last major star catalog of antiquity. 

Ptolemy’s writings were translated into Arabic, and in fact the word “astrolabe” comes from the Arabic al-Asturlāb, a transliteration of the Greek word ἀστρολάβος astrolabos that was in turn the amalgamation of two Greek words astron "star" and lambanein "to take". Hence astrolabe means “star taking [instrument]”.

Theon of Alexandria wrote “On the Little Astrolabe”, the first Greek text on the astrolabe to make its way to Persia circa 390 CE.  But the influence was profound.  By 622 CE with the founding of Islam, there was a need for practical astronomy to determine the hours of prayer and to form the Quibla, the direction to Mecca.  It permeated society and made its way into the church as well.  The painted dome at Qusayr ‘Amrah is  the oldest vault of the heavens known:

“The Syriac-speaking community in the region [know as Qusayr ‘Amrah in the Syrian Desert] appears to have had considerable interest in stereographic projection of the skies, as witnessed by the activities of Severns Sebokht (d. 666 CE). Severus Sebokht was the bishop of Qinnasrin, an ancient town that held an important position in the defense system of Syrian fortresses from Antioch to the Euphrates River and was about a day's journey from Aleppo. He not only wrote in Syriac a treatise on constellations, but he composed, also in Syriac, a treatise on the astrolabe compiled from Greek sources.

Al Farghani On the AstrolabeAl Farghani On the Astrolabe illustrating a Climate Plate.  British Library: Oriental Manuscripts, Or 5479, ff 37v-85r, in Qatar Digital Library

“Painted on a domed ceiling in the provincial palace of Qusayr ‘Amrah [is a design of the heavens] … which would be seen looking down on a globe. Though the fresco in the Syrian dome has been damaged over the years, it is evident that it too represents a stereographic projection from the south ecliptic pole of a celestial globe, showing the skies to about 35° south declination.”[9]

Nearly two centuries before the famous Persian astronomer ibn Aḥmad al-Bīrūnī (973-1048 CE) wrote about astronomy and the astrolabe, Ahmad ibn Muhammad al Farghani (c.820-860 CE) wrote On the Astrolabe, the earliest known Arabic treatise on the astrolabe. Al Farghani clearly showed the stereographic construction of celestial sphere circles projected onto a flat plate and diagramed the construction of the Climate Plate for specific altitudes.

From Persia the astrolabe made its way to Moorish Spain and from there “The astrolabe was almost certainly brought north of the Pyrenees by Gerbert of Aurillac (future Pope as Sylvester II), where it became part of the quadrivium [medieval university curriculum involving the “mathematical arts” of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music] at Reims France sometime before the turn of the 11th century.”

The elegant ornate astrolabes seen in museums today were a medieval status symbol, rarely used by the owner.  However, there were court astronomers such as Mashallah that were very adept at using the instrument, particularly for preparing astrological prophecies. But a far simpler astrolabe, the Marine Astrolabe, evolved for navigation and helped establish the age of exploration. Navigators used this astrolabe, like the quadrant that would follow, to measure the altitude of the sun and stars to determine a ship’s latitude.


[1] Laura Jamieson and Maria Montero, "Stereographic Projection, Chaucer and the Astrolabe", https://secure.math.ubc.ca/~cass/courses/m309-01a/montero/math309project.html,  accessed 28 June 2021
[2] Walter William Skeat, Chaucer’s Works Vol. III, p.80, 1900, https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Chaucer%27s_Works_(ed._Skeat)_Vol._III, accessed 2 July 2021
[3] Eagleton, C. “Chaucer’s Own Astrolabe”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science – Part A, Vol 38, Issue 2, June 2007, pp. 303-306, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0039368107000155, accessed 28 June 2021
[4] Philip Ball, “Is This Chaucer’s Astrolabe?”, Nature, 8 June 2007, https://www.nature.com/articles/news070604-12.pdf, accessed 28 June 2021
[5] Jenna Mead, “Geoffrey Chaucer’s Treatise on the Astrolabe”, Literature Compass 3/5 (2006) pp 973-991, https://www.academia.edu/748317/Geoffrey_Chaucers_Treatise_on_the_Astrolabe, accessed 28 June 2021
[7] Jenna Mead, “Geoffrey Chaucer’s Treatise on the Astrolabe”, Literature Compass 3/5 (2006) pp 973-991, https://www.academia.edu/748317/Geoffrey_Chaucers_Treatise_on_the_Astrolabe, accessed 28 June 2021
[9] Emilie Savage-Smith, “Chapter 2 – Celestial Mapping”, History of Cartography, 1992, https://press.uchicago.edu/books/HOC/HOC_V2_B1/HOC_VOLUME2_Book1_chapter2.pdf accessed 28 June, 2021