nass news 2025 mar Frans Maes receives awardSeveral years ago Frans decided to write the course on sundials that included self assessment questions to force students not only to read the text, but to internalize the concepts. And a final submittal question "not necessarily a difficult question, but: no answer, no new lesson." Thus Frans Maes began writing lessons and sending them out to students.

NASS has now used his material to create a similar course centered on North America, but still following the style of assessment questions and a final submitted question to proceed to the next lesson. Frans spark of educating people about sundials has gone international 

In 2022 Frans was awarded the Sawyer Dialing Prize for his dedication to educating people about sundials. Frans received an award of 250 USD a custom made Spectra Sundial by Jim Tallman of Artisan Industrials. 

NASS recently received an email from Hans Stikkelbroeck, former chairman Zonnewijzerkring (the Dutch Sundial Society): "Last Saturday (22 March 2025) Frans Maes received a Royal Decoration (Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau) from the mayor of the municipality of West-Betuwe during the [Annual General Meeting] in Tricht. Partially due to your dedication and support, the king has awarded this distinction to Frans. For this, I would like to thank you, also on behalf of the members!   Kind regards, Hans Stikkelbroeck"

Photo: Mrs. Maes, Mr. Frans Maes, Mayor of West-Betuwe, Netherlands