nass news 2025 mar hamilton dial restorationThe Hamilton dial is in the restorative care of Jarrett and Celene Hawkins (Hawkins & Hawkins Custom, LLC in Cincinnati Ohio in preparation for the dial's dedication on Saturday, May 31, 2025.

The face of the Hamilton Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) sundial has been cleaned and bead-blasted showing the dial as it was cast 84 years ago. In the process, Hawkins & Hawkins discovered a plate attached to the edge of the bottom half of the dial with the name "Newman Bros. Inc Cincinnati Ohio" The foundry most likely cast other GAR dials of similar design. Newman Brothers, Inc. began operation in 1882, providing cast iron and bronze hardware and continued into the 1950's creating "architectural and ornamental metal work in aluminum, bronze, nickel, silver and stainless steel" before closing their doors.

The restoraion is intended to leave the dial and four-post dial pedestal with minimum change to the original surfaces. What has worked well on other bronze dials is a light brown patina, leaving the top of the hour lines, marks, and lettering in a bright bronze finish.     

A total of $19,200 for the dial's restoration was raised through donations and selling 140 engraved bricks that will be along a pathway leading to the dial. The path is being designed by Adam Cornette, Director of the Hamilton Parks Conservancy and his team. The engraved polished granite hexagon for the dial base is in Cincinnati, waiting to be delivered. The 140 engraved bricks are in safekeeping at a Hamilton storage facility. Everything has been arranged for the dedication on May 31, 2025, at 1:00pm at Monument Park in Hamilton.  Mark Montgomery of the North American Sundial Society is slated to be one of the eight guest speakers. Following the dedication, a reception follows in the beautiful Soldiers, Sailors, and Pioneers Monument, dedicated on July 4, 1906.

Photos courtesy of Hawkins & Hawkins