Sundials of North America

This is a complete listing of sundials in the North American Sundial Society Registry. Click on any dial thumbnail picture or city name to display the full dial listing and images. To see sundials from a particular state or province, you may click on the list at right to see all registered sundials in that state, province or country (at bottom) displayed in city order.

You may also type into the NASS search field at upper right any search word such as "equatorial" to get a list of all articles mentioning equatorial dials and a list of all equatorial sundials in the registry. (Try other dial types: "vertical", "horizontal", etc).

Vallejo California USA Equatorial Dial Dial 235
A 5-foot equatorial sundial with elegant time and meridian supporting arcs. The gnomon A 5 ft. aluminum polar dial. The gnomon has the profile of the Golden Gate Bridge. Time is marked in both standard and daylight saving time with Roman numerals. The dial was a gift from Vallejo's Sister city, Akashi, Japan.
Louisville Kentucky USA Equatorial Dial Dial 234
Park rangers set up a 16 x 20 inch portable equatorial sundial. The dial is used for teaching a solar energy class.
Pekin Illinois USA Horizontal Dial Dial 233
Two sundials. One is a horizontal sundial 6-ft. tall with a sloping 15-ft bright aluminum gnomon. The dial is called "Sundance". Adjacent is a gnomonic sundial with a 45-ft pole projecting its shadow onto the lawn in front of it. The ground level dial face consists of seven analemmas drawn in the grass field that surrounds the dial center. The analemmas are drawn for the hours 8 am to 3 pm, However, the noon analemma is larger and corresponds to the shadow of a disk atop the vertical pole.
Santa Barbara California USA Equatorial Dial Dial 232
A small bronze equatorial dial made by Victor E. Edwards in the 1920's. It has an unusual crescent shaped arm with notch at the upper end. The arm is rotated until sunlight through the notch strikes an analemma on the lower inner curve of the crescent. Time is then read on a circular dial from an "hour hand" pointer extending from the base of the crescent. The dial is mounted on a granite pedestal with spherical top 21 inch high.
Ewing New Jersey USA Compound Dial Dial 231
A combination horizontal and equatorial dial. Stainless steel equatorial ring is 8 feet wide x 10 feet high. Equatorial gnomon extends to cement face of horizontal dial. Bronze plaque provides a table of corrections for EOT and longitude. Identified as the William H. Hausdoerffer Sundial to honor Dr. Hausdoerffer, Class of 1936, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Department Chairman, Dean of Men, TSC Athletic Hall of Fame, Alumni Executive Board and adviser to many groups, serving from 1940 to 1979.
Ottawa Ontario Canada Horizontal Dial Dial 230
A large horizontal floral dial approximately 20 feet in diameter. Large circular area on ground forming the dial face with gravel and flower-beds between the hour lines. The flowers are annuals, best seen in the summer blooming season. Update June 2018: The dial has been refurbished with a new, accurately placed gnomon and wonderful bright flowers.
Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA Horizontal Dial Dial 229
Bronze horizontal dial by Alexander Stirling Calder. Local Hour lines plus EoT monthly corrections and differences between 12 world cities. Tip of gnomon appears damaged. The elegant pedestal sculpture is made of white marble and depicts 4 seated young women as the four seasons holding the dial plinth on their shoulders. The plinth itself is intricately carved with the animals of the zodiac. Height 42-inches, Diameter 50-inches. The dial was a gift of Mrs. Charles P. Turner, through the Fairmount Park Art Association (now the Association for Public Art) to the City of Philadelphia
Chicago Illinois USA Equatorial Dial Dial 228
Equatorial in bronze. 2 meters in diameter. Arabic hour numerals. Hour scale is subdivided into 5 minute intervals.
Silver Bay Minnesota USA Horizontal Dial Dial 227
A horizontal dial on the ground, with an hour circle about 12 feet. The gnomon is of steel, about 4 foot high. The gnomon is oriented to magnetic north. It is not an accurate device. Three boulders surround the dial and cut off the shadow much of the time. Gravel hour circle has rocks to mark the hours, but the rocks can be moved and are strewn all about. More suggestive of a dial than a real dial.
Macon Georgia USA Horizontal Dial Dial 226
A horizontal dial 16 inches in diameter located beside the observatory, just outside the museum. Includes hour markings for EST and DST and an EOT graph. Hour lines corrected for longitude. Mounted on a 24 inch high pedestal low enough for children to enjoy.
Steamboat Springs Colorado USA Equatorial Dial Dial 225
This equatorial sundial is a memorial to Barbara Perry Cosel and sits in front of the"Bud" Werner library. A large 6 ft. thin iron equatorial, it is constructed of two 270 degree arcs that intersect at right angles. Time marks are simple detente marks on the equatorial arc. The gnomon is a traditional arrow. At the base of the dial is a plaque containing a graph of the Equation of Time to determine Mountain Standard Time.
St. Petersburg Florida USA Equatorial Dial Dial 224
An equatorial dial built by Erickson Monument Co in 1974 for the War Veterans Memorial Park. Dial is 6 feet in diameter made from granite. The gnomon rod of about 3 inches diameter is stainless steel. Hour, half hours, quarter hours and five minute marks show the time. For symmetry, the face has hours marked for the entire 24 hours, though in Florida the excursion of time from 6am to 6pm is relatively small. The hour lines are rotated for the site longitude.
Chicago Illinois USA Equatorial Dial Dial 223
Henry Moore Sundial Sculpture: 13 foot bronze equatorial dial built in 1980. Two bronze semicircles, one set inside and at right angles to the other, form the main elements. A slim rod runs from one end of the outer semicircle to the other end and its shadow on the inner semicircle below marks the time of day. EOT correction is provided.
Colorado Springs Colorado USA Analemmatic Dial Dial 222
Analemmatic dial in granite and bronze. 9ft x 12ft. Mottled granite block surface with number border of smooth granite blocks. Hour numbers are engraved in granite. Zodiac marker is brass, embedded in the granite face. As with most analemmatics, the dial is not corrected for longitude. Fortunately, the location is very close to the center of the time zone at 105 deg W. User stands on a central analemma at correct date and acts as the gnomon to cast a shadow that points to local solar time. The aspect ratio is not correct for the latitude and the positions of the solstice markers are slightly off.
Lake Buena Vista Florida USA Gnomonic or Projection Dial Dial 221
Conical dial 120 ft. high, 122 ft. diameter at base and has an 85 ft circular opening to the sky. In the middle of the opening is a spherical nodus that casts its shadow into the concrete structure. According to the Guinness Book of Records in 1995, this is the world's largest sundial. Designed by Isozaki and calculated by Ross McCluney, the sundial is a large truncated, slanted cone, with hour markings on the inside. McCluney was NASS's first president.
Indianapolis Indiana USA Equatorial Dial Dial 220
A five foot diameter donut-shaped full circle equatorial pierced by equally massive Indiana Limestone shaft as gnomon. Hour numerals are Arabic. Subdivided into 15 minute increments. Equation of Time is given in the plaque at base
Oberlin Ohio USA Vertical Dial Dial 219
Once, high on the physics building south wall was a student made vertical dial. The 5'x8.5' resin coated particle board made by Mark Kearns in 1979 had curved hour lines to account for the equation of time, declination of wall, and offset from standard meridian. This dial has not been on display for some time. Perhaps some student would create a new dial. The brick wall is an excellent location.
Washington District of Columbia USA Horizontal Dial Dial 218
Horizontal dial 12 in. square designed and built by David Shayt and David Todd of the Smithsonian Institution. Roman numerals, 5AM-7PM. Subdivided into 15 minute increments. Also has compass rose. Dial sits atop a rectangular granite pedestal.
La Crosse Wisconsin USA Equatorial Dial Dial 217
A 40 inch diameter armillary on a 2 foot tall cement cubic base. The original analemma-shaped gnomon was missing and replaced with a section of loose ordinary electric wire. Includes a longitude-correction plaque showing the corrections throughout 15 degrees longitude. Dial sits atop a 26 inch high, 26 inch square pedestal. Robert Allen states that this dial is a scaled down version of the one at the San Diego Zoological Garden, and that there is a similar one at Williams College in Williamstown MA.
La Porte Texas USA Armillary Sphere Dial 216
Approximately 6 foot diameter bronze armillary dial with equatorial, meridian and equinoctial colure rings and with Arctic and Antarctic circle rings. Hour lines have 5 minute marks and Roman numerals. Equatorial ring has Zodiacal signs. Base shows the Great Seal of Texas and includes a bronze eternal flame. Names of fallen heroes are inscribed on the base and paths to and from the dial lead to location of Sam Houston's troops prior to the battle of San Jacinto. The San Jacinto Monument is seen in the distance.
New York New York USA Cylindrical Dial Dial 215
A half-cylinder equatorial dial whose body structure is exactly the same as the one (#28) at Trinity College, Hartford, CT, only the pedestal here is lower. Named ?The Camp Columbia Sundial?, a gift of Camp Columbia to memorialize Dean Hennessy (1917-1991).
El Cajon California USA Armillary Sphere Dial 214
Armillary dial about 3 ft. diameter designed by Don LeGrande. As of Christmas 1992, a stunning armillary sphere-type of sundial ... The framework of the dial is constructed of burnished stainless steel. ... The rod-like gnomon was destroyed by vandals many years ago, but the rest is in good shape.
San Diego California USA Horizontal Dial Dial 213
This is not the Koester dial at SDSU, but a far more interesting horizontal dial originally dedicated to the San Diego Normal School for elementary teaching by the class of June, 1911. The 18-inch octagonal bronze dial was originally designed by San Diego Clock maker Joseph Jessop and mounted on a miniature Doric column. The dial was placed within the circular lawn directly in front of the school's main entrance at the intersection of Park and El Cajon Boulevards.
Anacortes Washington USA Vertical Dial Dial 212
A vertical dial 4 x 8 feet on marine plywood painted the same color as the building. An aluminum rod gnomon casts the shadow, supported by a copper strut of plumbing pipe. Early photos show dial with no hour lines. By 2017, short hour and half hour lines added near the Arabic hour marks. Both form a semicircle around the gnomon, telling time from 7am to 6pm.
Windsor Connecticut USA Equatorial Dial Dial 211
Equatorial dial about 5 ft. diameter made of brass and stainless steel The analemma is incorporated into the gnomon compensating for equation of time. Equatorial ring is rotated to compensate for difference in longitude to time zone. Designed and built by Physics/Astor Dept, University of Calgary, Alberta Canada. Dial sits atop a stone plinth marked with Keller's laws.
Washington District of Columbia USA Horizontal Dial Dial 210
Circular horizontal dial 20 in. diameter cast in bronze. Has Roman numerals at hours and 15 minute marks. Gnomon missing from dial, but kept by groundskeeper, as it will not stay in place. Was temporarily re-installed for the NASS tour in 1995. The dial is modern, honoring George Donald Meid for service to the National Academy. Dial is mounted atop a concrerte cylindrical post.
Washington District of Columbia USA Horizontal Dial Dial 208
Large, ground level horizontal dial 16 ft. in diameter with 49 in high stepped hollow painted-green metal gnomon that is 5 ft 16 in long. Roman hour numerals with hour lines from 4:30 AM to 9:30 PM. Gnomon structure recalls the much larger Indian observatory dials. An appropriate poetic passage, once bolted to the gnomon, has disappeared.
Washington District of Columbia USA Vertical Dial Dial 207
Vertical bronze dial with Arabic numerals and long cast sunburst gnomon. On oblong sandstone. Dial is 60-80 feet up on an octagonal power plant smokestack. It is difficult to read, but safe from vandalism. School dated 1928. Similar to Eastern High School (#202).
Washington District of Columbia USA Vertical Dial Dial 206
Sandstone Vertical declining dial, with gnomon offset to account for it. Above doors to rear terrace of admissions building. Arabic hour numerals with half hour lines. Carved hourglasses on both sides frame the dial. Brass compass rose set into the brick terrace below suggests the general alignment of both house and dial.
Washington District of Columbia USA Armillary Sphere Dial 205
Very nicely armillary sphere about 3 ft. diameter, with equatorial, meridional and hour circles. Roman hour numerals from 5 AM to 7 PM. One of Washington DC's cleanest examples of a working armillary sphere. Erected by the Georgetown Garden Club in 1956 in tribute to Sarah Louisa Rittenhouse. Dial is placed atop a sandstone pillar.
Washington District of Columbia USA Horizontal Dial Dial 204
Horizontal dial about 16 inch square made of bronze. Gnomon is 4.125 inch high, 5 inch long. Below gnomon is motto, "Horas non numero nisi serenas" (I only count sunny hours). House was built in 1805 and is now open to the public as a museum. Years before this property was opened to the public, a family member brought this dial from Crossbasket Castle in Scotland, the family seat. The lengthy inscription is probably a later addition, since it is unlikely that they would be quoting Whittier in Scotland. The gnomon angle is 39? 30', probably made for the Washington DC location. However, the dial plate has a latitude of about 48? N, certainly not Scotland. What is the true origin of this dial?
Washington District of Columbia USA Horizontal Dial Dial 203
In the Bishop's garden is a weathered 13th C. capital on which sits a 41 cm diameter horizontal brass dial. It is engraved with "Tho Heath, London" and the year 1712. On the noon line is the indication "Hammersmith", a location on the (then) outskirts of London at 51:30N 0:14W. Heath is one of the Grocers' Company mathematical instrument makers Many of Heath's dials have a coat of arms.
Washington District of Columbia USA Vertical Dial Dial 202
Vertical dial with bronze Roman numerals and trefoil pierced gnomon on square sandstone. Dial is on south facade over main entry, facing East Capitol Street. School is dated 1923 and architect Snowden Ashford. Elevation above entrance is approximately 30 ft. making dial hard to read. Large projecting towers place dial in shadow in early morning and late afternoon. Similar to McKinley High School dial (#207).
Pueblo Colorado USA Sun Alignment Dial 200
Stonehenge type dial designed by Judy Guttormsen and built in 1984 . Stonehenge itself an amphitheater. If you stand on a brass marker in the center of the stage, on the solstices and equinoxes, you can observe the rising and setting of the sun aligned with metal posts viewed through slits in the wall. At the south edge of the site is a 6 foot horizontal dial laid out in the concrete floor. There are two rings of numbers, one for standard time, one for daylight time. Not corrected for longitude, but the location is very close to the center of the time zone. The gnomon is cement and is unusually thick (approximately 40 cm), making it very sturdy, presumably to prevent vandalism. The surface of the gnomon is very rough, having embedded pebbles, making it an uncomfortable place to sit or climb. The metal inscription plate on the gnomon has faded too badly to read. The site also has a North Star finder made of wrought iron and has a small bench for children to use.
Ann Arbor Michigan USA Vertical Dial Dial 199
A stone and bronze vertical dial approximately 10x6 feet just below the roof of the Mack School. Dial face includes Roman numerals showing Eastern Standard Time and a polar gnomon. Inscription appears below gnomon.
Calgary Alberta Canada Analemmatic Dial Dial 197
Stone analemmatic dial designed by Kasian Kennedy. Dial is laid out in a circle. Monthly markers designate where observer is to stand to act as the gnomon. Both standard and saving time hour marks time from 5am to 8pm.
Wooster Ohio USA Horizontal Dial Dial 196
Brass or bronze Gift to the College from the Class of 1907. On S side of gnomon, an embossed figure, possibly Father Time with scythe. Mounted atop a carved stope base with motto, "United in time, parted in time to be reunited when time shall be no more."
Edmonton Alberta Canada Horizontal Dial Dial 195
A horizontal dial of varnished wooden shaped as octagon, perhaps 24 in. across, 2 in. thick, with very thick wedge-shaped gnomon. Roman numerals carved at ends of hour lines. Dial sat atop a segment of tree trunk.
Frankenmuth Michigan USA Equatorial Dial Dial 194
This monument sundial is an Erickson equatorial polar dial 6 feet in diameter made of light granite with a 3 inch steel rod as gnomon. Time is graduated by hour, half-hour, quarter hours and 5 minute marks over 24 hours. Noon is at the bottom, matching the 105 degree meridian. Designed to be read from the upper surface in Spring/Summer, from the under side in Fall/Winter. Unlike other Erickson dials, the Equation of Time plaque is presented in a circular arc on the ground.
Fredericksburg Virginia USA Horizontal Dial Dial 193
A 7 inch diameter brass horizontal dial with 3.5 inch high brass gnomon on a weathered octagonal stone pedestal. Reported to be contemporary with Mary Ball Washington's occupancy of this house in the 1780s. Dial sits atop a stone pillar.
Arcata California USA Armillary Sphere Dial 192
Armillary dial with horizon ring 4 ft. 4.5 in. diameter designed by Ken Lynch. Dial is made of brass and horizon ring has signs of the zodiac on it. Mounted at ground level with a separate plaque with Equation of Time. After the dial was installed the university ordered the point on the end of the gnomon sawed off. It was feared that someone might become impaled on it. Gift of Harvy S. Kieval, Professor Emeritus - Math.
Waltham Massachusetts USA Vertical Dial Dial 191
A declining vertical sandstone dial approximately 3x6 feet with bronze gnomon. Mounted at 2nd floor level on large stone house. Roman numerals. Hour lines from 6 am-5 pm are not in standard vertical position, presumably offset to correct for wall not facing due South. Dial reclines approx 2 degrees north. Dial # 190 (Cambridge MA, Mt. Aubry Cemetery, Story Chapel) has same Whittier inscription.
Cambridge Massachusetts USA Vertical Dial Dial 190
Approx 2' x 2' Bronze Square bronze plate, with Roman numerals, is open in the center. Gnomon extends through this open space. Dial is mounted above a window of the chapel, angled from wall face. (presumably so that it will face true South.)
Tuscaloosa Alabama USA Equatorial Dial Dial 189
A 5 foot bronze and steel equatorial dial with pinhole gnomon in front of the North River Yacht Club.
San Bernardino California USA Horizontal Dial Dial 188
A 23 inch diameter horizontal bronze dial with 12 inch high gnomon and with hour, half-hour and quarter-hour lines from 5:30 AM to 7:30 PM and Roman hour numerals from 5 AM to 7 PM. Dial sits atop a 27 inch diameter stone pedestal 37.5 inch high.
Mystic Connecticut USA Vertical Dial Dial 187
Vertical 7 ft. diameter dial. Dial painted on circular piece of wood with Arabic numerals 6AM-7PM on wall declining 9:10 west. Mounted below peak of building. Smiling sun face at point where gnomon strikes dial plate. Designed by Albert Waugh and built by Edwin Pugsley.
Mystic Connecticut USA Vertical Dial Dial 186
Large slanted vertical dial on 8 ft. by 4 ft. wood rectangle mounted on a wall declining 80:50 east. Shows hours only till 11:30 AM, thus frequently called 'the morning dial'. Dial originally had no motto. Inscription was added later when dial was refurbished. Designed by Albert Waugh and fabricated by Edwin Pugsley.
River Falls Wisconsin USA Vertical Dial Dial 185
The inspiration for this sundial, at one time the largest vertical dial in the world, came from Dr. Swensen visiting Heidelberg castle that had a large vertical dial on the wall of the castle. Construction of the Univ. of Wisconsin dial began in 1994 on the south wall of the Kleinpell Fine Arts Building. The result is a 30 x 56 foot vertical dial of anodized aluminum with analemmic hour markers, and day lines to mark winter and summer solstice, Candelmas (1/31), Martinmas (11/10), Beltane (5/8) and Lammas (8/4), vernal and autumnal equinoxes. The massive south-facing vertical dial takes up the entire wall of the three-story fine arts building. The hour markers are gold on the 'Spring' side and brown on the 'Fall' side with 7 day intervals marked on each.
Schroon Lake New York USA Horizontal Dial Dial 184
7-sided metal plate, about 9.75" on a side. Bronze. Unusual 7-sided dial plate, Arabic numerals. Hour and half-hour marks on outside rim. Image of bible and cross on plate left of gnomon, and 'Word of Life' on right. (These are the standard logo of the organization.) Fabricated by Colonial Brass Co, Middleboro MA.
Mackinac Michigan USA Horizontal Dial Dial 183
ca 16 in. square brass horizontal dial. Hours from 5am to 7pm in Roman numerals. Arrows radiate from the foot of the gnomon to each hour and three stars are located at the south end of the gnomon. The dial originally sat on a sightly tapered white concrete square pillar. When the dial was moved near the Jockey Club, the pedestal was redone in a square wood column painted white. A memorial plaque original on the south side of the pedestal is now on the east side. The dial was erected in memory of James R. Hayes, manager of The Grand Hotel from 1890 to 1900. The dial now sits in a small brick plaza.