Sundial: 226
State/Province:  Georgia |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Horizontal Dial |
Condition:  Good |
Latitude and Longitude: |
32° 51.888' N  83° 41.712' W |
Location: |
- Museum of Arts & Sciences
4182 Forsyth Road
Description: |
- A horizontal dial 16 inches in diameter located beside the observatory, just outside the museum. Includes hour markings for EST and DST and an EOT graph. Hour lines corrected for longitude. Mounted on a 24 inch high pedestal low enough for children to enjoy.
General Information: | Inscription: | - Owner: Museum of Arts & Sciences
| - Given in memory of William H. Dunn, Jr. by his widow Ruby and sons David, Reginald and Christopher.
Last Revised: 2019-02-09 16:04