Sundial: 705
State/Province:  Georgia |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Horizontal Dial |
Condition:  Fair |
Latitude and Longitude: |
32° 0.066' N  81° 8.172' W |
Location: |
Description: |
- A 10 inch round bronze horizontal dial called "The Bull Sundial", sits on an octagonal stone atop a 3 foot high fluted pedestal. The pedestal is in the center of a 10 foot square plaza containing four tile mosaics.. Dial face has Roman numerals, hour lines, five minute marks and a central compass rose. This dial is located under a heavy canopy of trees and likely never gets direct sunlight today,
General Information: | Inscription: | | - Dial maker T Mills, London
Plaza: Mosaic
"Erected by the Society of Colonial Wars
In the State of Georgia Feb 12th 1933
In Commemoration of the 200th Anniversary
of the Founding of Georgia"
Plaza Mosaic
"In the Center of this Square
The Early Colonists Placed a Sundial"
Plaza Mosaic
"In Recognition of the Service By
Colonel William Bull of South Carolina
Who Assisted Oglethorpe in Selecting the Site
And Laying of the Plan for Savannah
Plaza Mosaic:
A View of Savannah in the Year 1734
- Designer: T. Mills, London
- Construction Date: Dedicated 12 Feb 33
Web Links: |
Last Revised: 2025-02-14 14:15