District of North Vancouver  
Sundial: 926
State/Province:  British Columbia |
Country:  Canad |
Dial Type:  Analemmatic Dial |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
49° 20.300' N  123° 5.867' W |
Location: |
- Highlands Elementary School, 3150 Colwood Drive, District of North Vancouver. The dial is by the main entrance to the school.
Description: |
- This rather strange split analemmatic dial shows civil time. It has separate morning and afternoon dials with time marks for standard (blue) and daylight saving (red)time. Instead of the usual linear declination of dates made into a walkway on the meridian line, the split analemmatic dial has two analemmas, one for morning and one for afternoon with the yearly dates for standing on the analemma to correct solar time to civil time. As it turns out, the analemmas that are drawn are not "classic" analemmas but special curves where the position on each date is estimated as an average position to correct for all morning or afternoon hours. The only other such dial is at Longwood Gardens in PA. (NASS #328)
The dial is decorated with signs of the zodiac, cardinal directions, and Bailey Points to show the direction of sunrise & sunset. The sundial uses bright colors for appeal to the school's student age group. A number of 1-inch bronze disks are fixed into the asphalt to provide permanent reference points for repainting the dial.
General Information: | - Owner: Highlands Elementary School
- Builder: Brian Albinson with students and parents from the school community
References: | Web Links: |
- See Longwood Gardens Dial in Pennsylvania, NASS Registry #328
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Last Revised: 2018-10-08 01:59