Sundial: 882
State/Province:  Missouri |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Horizontal Dial |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
37° 43.517' N  89° 51.600' W |
Location: |
- Southeast corner of the Perry County Courthouse
15W Saint Marie St. #2, Perryville, MO 63775
Description: |
- The square 14.5-inch dial is made of while milk stone with graphics highlighted using lithochrome paint. The gnomon is made of stainless steel 303-alloy and has the letter P held between the base and style. The dial sits upon a square frustrum pedestal 3-feet tall, 24-inches square at the base, tapering to 17.5-inches at the top. The pedestal is supported on a 32-inch square base.
The dial was made to commemorate the total solar eclipse that occurred at its location on Aug. 21, 2017. The gnomon's tip serves as a nodus that tracks the Aug. 21 declination line. Along the line are time marks for partial eclipse onset, totality, and end of the partial eclipse.
General Information: | Inscription: | - Owner: Perry County, Missouri
| - Three plaques: ECLIPSE explains the declination lines, TIME explains the relation between civil and solar time, and SUNDIAL cites the people and organizations constructing the dial.
SUNDIAL Plaque has logos of the North
American Sundial Society, the St. Louis Astronomical Society and Perry County.
- Builder: Dial plate by A. Mohler, gnomon by W. Turner, pedestal Earthworks Stone Co.
- Construction Date: Aug 19, 2017
References: |
- St. Louis Sundial Trail
Attachments Available:
Last Revised: 2018-01-27 13:06