Sundial: 861
State/Province:  Virginia |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Horizontal Dial |
Condition:  Good |
Latitude and Longitude: |
38° 37.071' N  77° 17.557' W |
Location: |
- Dial is located in front of the Arts and Science Building on the campus of the Northern Virginia Community College, North College Drive, Woodbridge VA.
Description: |
- This horizontal dial sits on a low concrete dais 13 feet in diameter. At the interior is an oculus 3 feet in diameter with loose gravel from which a 10-inch I-beam gnomon emerges. The I-Beam extends approximately 4 feet into the air with the north end cut vertical to the ground and then canted back creating a graceful taper on the underside. The dais concrete is of two colors: an inner pink ring 9 feet in diameter and an outer earth-toned ring that serves as a 2 foot wide chapter ring.
The hour lines on the chapter ring are computed for the slight bevel of the dais done for water drainage. Each hour and half hour are marked by an aluminum bar, with a double bar at noon to accommodate the width of the I-Beam. Hour numbers are engraved on circular plates of aluminum with horizontal lines added as a contrasting background. Half-hours are indicated by a smaller blank disks. The hours run from 6am to 6pm with additional half-hour markers at 5:30am and 6:30pm. The dial tells standard time without longitude correction.
General Information: | - Owner: Northern Virginia Cmmunity College (NVCC)
- Designer: Dial: R.L. Kellogg Hour Lines & Numerals Gino Schiavone
- Builder: Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
- Construction Date: July 2013
Attachments Available:
Last Revised: 2017-05-07 22:05