Santa Cruz  
Sundial: 824
State/Province:  California |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Globe or Hemispheric |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
36° 28.200' N  122° 3.000' W |
Location: |
Access: This is a private dial. See below for access details. |
- Private residences
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
To view this dial, contact the designer at DanielWenger@att.net
Description: |
- This is a globe dial with a twist: a glass sphere is used to represent the earth with continent lines scribed on the globe along with hour lines, analemma figure for each hour, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, equator, and a line representing the local horizon. The globe is etched with the dial site at the globe's zenith. The dial has a central gnomon. When the shadow of a pointer falls on the gnomon the time is read using the correct side of the hour line analemma.
Time indicated in both standard and daylight savings time and can be read to within a few minutes of clock time. By following the suns path during the day, at the current latitude of the sun, the time and direction of sunrise and sunset may be read from the sundial.
Designer Daniel Wenger comments, "I first made this sundial about 1975 using plastic spheres and hand scribing the information. A patent was issued in Jan. 1977. I began to make the dial using a glass sphere in 1999 using a CO2 laser to scribe the information. I have made 47 dials with the glass globes. Dials are located in Germany, England, Mexico, Chile and in numerous states in the US, all in private collections. Two public dials were made in the 1970s, one in a Santa Cruz public park and one at the Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley, California. Both dials were vandalized and no long exist.
General Information: | Inscription: | | - Dial indications of Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Equator, Horizon, Sunrise and Sunset
Web Links: |
Last Revised: 2016-06-18 17:23