San Diego  
Sundial: 80
State/Province:  California |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Vertical Dial |
Condition:  Fair |
Latitude and Longitude: |
32° 43.736' N  117° 14.676' W |
Location: |
Access: This is a private dial. See below for access details. |
- Verlyn Kuhlmann residence
San Diego
Description: |
- This dial was originally owned and installed at Sea World in San Diego but was sold and purchased by Verlyn Kuhlmann. A 39 inch diameter reclining vertical dial of cast concrete with a 20 inch long steel gnomon. Dial reclines about 50°. Includes cast hour lines with Arabic numerals and longitude correction. A separate plaque provides instructions and an EOT graph. The dial is mounted on a 24 inch square aluminum base plate and short column support.
General Information: | |
Last Revised: 2019-07-31 21:58