Sundial: 663
State/Province:  British Columbia |
Country:  Canada |
Dial Type:  Analemmatic Dial |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
48° 24.909' N  123° 23.045' W |
Location: |
- On Ogden Point waterfront walkway near start of walk to breakwall. Near the Ogden Point cruise ship terminal in Victoria, BC.
Description: |
- A 20 foot overall tinted concrete analemmatic dial with brass numerals, aluminum and granite slabs. Distance between major axis and small hour marks is 16.4 feet. Brass Roman numerals 10 inches high are set in a grey outer ring. Longitude and EOT corrections are marked beside the monthly date marks. A plaque commemorating the British Columbia 150 year celebration includes instructions on use and information on the dial designers and sponsors.
Andrei Golovkine, a local designer and community activist conceived, designed and proposed the project to the sponsors. Dr. Dmitry Monin, an astrophysicist at the nearby NRC Herzberg Institute provided the gnomonic design.
General Information: | Inscription: | - Owner: Great Victoria Harbor Authority, City of Victoria
| - "This sundial commemorates the Province's BC150 celebration of 2008.
Sponsored by the Provincial Capital Commission with contributions from
Pioneer builders Charitable Society
Ogden Point Enhancement Society
Greater Victoria Harbour Authority
Roger's Chocolates and
W.B. (Red) & Fern McNulty
Designed by Andrei Golovkine and Dr. Dmitry Monin, 2009
- Designer: Andrei Golovkine and Dmitry Monin
- Builder: Steward Monumental Works
- Construction Date: 9 July 2009
Last Revised: 2020-07-04 17:23