Sundial: 346
State/Province:  Michigan |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Horizontal Dial |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
42° 14.808' N  83° 37.497' W |
Location: |
- Dial is located on the west side of the sidewalk extending from the main south entrance of Serzer Observatory on the Eastern Michigan University (EMU) campus.
Description: |
- The original horizontal dial and gnomon of 1909 was cast in iron as a gift from the Class of 1908 (then known as the Michigan State Normal School ). This dial is now in the EMU archives.[See NASS Dial #1086] The current sundial was placed in the same spot in front of Serzer Observatory in the 1960's, but went missing after a broken gnomon was sent for repair, and was lost for 30 years. In 1999, during the sesquicentennial celebration of the university, EMU had the sundial restored by Arnets Becker Burrell Monuments of Ann Arbor. They also had the sesquicentennial logo added to the pedestal. The restoration was funded by the Serzer family. The elegant weathered brass and copper dial is now known as the "Sesquicentennial Sundial". Surrounding the dial are lines in the granite plinth to the cities of Montreal, Detroit, Boston, New York, Whittington DC, Toledo, New Orleans, St. Louis, Chicago, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Lansing, and MT Pleasant. The original Class of 1908 4-ft (1.2m) granite pedestal still holds the sundial, including its mark of "150 years".
General Information: | Inscription: | - Owner: Eastern Michigan University
| - The original pedestal has the weathered inscription "Presented by Class of 1908" on the north face and a EMU sesquicentennial logo with "1849-1999/150 years" on the south face.
- Builder: Arnets Becker Burrell Monuments
- Construction Date: 1909, rededicated 1999
Web Links: |
Attachments Available:
Last Revised: 2023-04-30 17:42