Saint Anthony  
Sundial: 169
State/Province:  Newfoundland |
Country:  Canada |
Dial Type:  Heliochronometer |
Condition:  Fair |
Latitude and Longitude: |
51° 21.772' N  55° 35.080' W |
Location: |
- Grenfell House Museum
Maraval Drive
Saint Anthony
Description: |
- A Pilkington & Gibbs Heliochronometer, 9 in. diameter, 9 in. high bronze with two sights, 3 x 1.5 in. Points of compass on dial base, months and dates on face. Rotates to compensate for EOT. Dial is a circular plate, mounted to allow adjustment for latitude. Gnomon consists of two cast posts with vertical slits, about 6 in. high, on opposite sides of plate. Another adjustable scale permits EOT corrections. It was part of original house from 1909-1939. Not dated, but the chronometers were sold between 1907-1914. Now on display in museum and not set up for use. Heavily patinated with some corrosion. Fabricated by Pilkington & Gibbs Ltd, Preston England, # 433. The dial is mounted to a solid Labradorite pillar, 1 foot square, 21 inch high.
General Information: | Inscription: | - Owner: Sir Winfred Grenfell Hist. Soc.
| - Fronte capillata pose est occasio calva (The hairy brow is later a bald situation)
- Construction Date: ca 1900
Last Revised: 2019-07-31 21:25