College Station  
Sundial: 134
State/Province:  Texas |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Armillary Sphere |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
30° 36.531' N  96° 22.635' W |
Location: |
- Texas A&M Campus, in Aggie Garden
Description: |
- Called the Texas A&M Armillary Sphere, this sundial is 60 inches in diameter. Made of wrought iron, it has one large vertical ring representing the meridian at College Station. Attached to the inside of this ring is a wide band representing the celestial equator. The outside of this band is decorated with gold signs of the zodiac. On the inside are gold roman numerals for each hour. A rod with gold tip and ornate fan is the gnomon. A metal plaque mounted nearby gives a description of the dial and EoT corrections. Dial donated by Searcy Bracewell, class of '38. Built by Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Wilton, CT. Dial sits atop a concrete cylinder, 2 foot high, 3 foot diameter.
General Information: | |
- Builder: Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Wilton, CT.
Last Revised: 2011-07-23 11:25