Sundial: 1117
State/Province:  California |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Equatorial Dial |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
38° 57.365' N   123° 32.692' W |
Location: |
Access: This is a private dial. See below for access details. |
- Backyard of private residence. Contact Paul Grace at
Description: |
- This is a double equatorial sundial of stainless steel (slightly burnished to show the shadow without reflections). Each cylinder is approximately 16 inches (40cm) in diameter. with hour lines drawn as analemmas (June to Dec and Dec to June). The gnomon are two pointed steel rods, reading the time and date at the shadow tip. Declination lines are shown for each month, and if you can interpolate the monthly date lines, the sundial can be read to about 30 seconds accuracy. The double equatorial sundial sits on a mounting pole that at one time held a solar array. " The round pole allowed me to set azimuth and level easily, altitude from latitude with a digital plumb, then I then used the sundial adjustments to get the meridian offset and tweaked it all on the equinox using GPS time."
General Information: | Inscription: | | - Dial is marked with solstices, equinox, months, and latitude-longitude.
- Designer: Albin Hoffmann - Precision Sundials
- Builder: Albin Hoffmann - Precision Sundials
- Construction Date: Installed 20 March 2022
Web Links: |
Last Revised: 2025-01-10 20:50