Sundial: 1116
State/Province:  North Carolina |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Horizontal Dial |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
35° 28.592' N  82° 59.959' W |
Location: |
- The sundial is located in the front of the historic Hazelwood Elementary building that is now the Folkmoot Friendship Center
112 Virginia Ave, Waynesville, NC 28786
Description: |
- This is a large horizontal sundial 5-feet (1.5m) in diameter with a twist. The dial is made of aluminum and set on a circular concrete dais several inches above ground level. Hour lines of thin aluminum rod extend from IX to III with Roman numerals. The gnomon is a braced aluminum rod that creates a sleek, modern looking sundial. But the twist is the dial can be slightly rotated to accommodate the equation of time (EoT). Above the solar noon pointer is a small scale for the rotation offset.
The rotation of a traditional sundial to adjust for EoT DOES NOT WORK. However, the sundial designed by Roger Gilbertson with restricted hours between 9am-3pm, the slight rotation of the dial works reasonably well. His observations of time error are shown in photo #6 and adjustment setting in photo #7 below. The accuracy of the Folkmoot dial where the greatest error is at the 9am and 10am hours is held to within 2 minutes.
General Information: | Inscription: | | - "E","S", and "W" cardinal points
"True North"
"Solar Noon"
- Designer: Roger Gilbertson
- Builder: Local Metalwork Company
- Construction Date: Sep to Nov, 2024
Attachments Available:
Last Revised: 2024-11-21 11:52