Roof of the International Village Shopping Mall at 88 West Pender Street, Vancouver BC, Canada, V6B 6N9.
The best view is from a north-facing window in the Europa Building at 63 Keefer Place, Vancouver BC, Canada, V6B 6N6
This is intended to be a horizontal sundial, but positioned poorly and viewed by nearly no one.. The chapter ring is marked out in Roman numerals running from V (am) to IV (pm) on a large semi-circular arc of open metalwork supported by a trellis structure. It is very large, about 40 meters across. The gnomon is a separate structure and is not positioned or oriented correctly.
Despite its enormous size and impressive appearance, its existence seems to be kept secret! It has been reported that its sole purpose is to offset the rather dull appearance of the mall roof which can be seen by those who live in north-facing apartments in the Europa Building. The dial is surrounded by star structures probably with neon lights that turn on at night.