Sundial: 1000
State/Province:  Wisconsin |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Analemmatic Dial |
Condition:  Fair |
Latitude and Longitude: |
43° 04.047' N  87° 53.407' W |
Location: |
- At the Urban Ecology Center at Riverside Park,
1500 E. Park Place
Milwaukee, WI 53208
Dial is painted on the bridge that crosses the lagoon
Description: |
- During the design of the bridge across the lagoon, the walkway was extended in the center on the north side, creating a niche for a 12 x 6 foot analemmatic dial. The dial is painted bright yellow with hours marked from 5am to 9pm (daylight saving time). The 1pm hour mark is set 8 1/2 minutes past local noon corresponding to its location just east of the Central Time Zone meridian. The walkway is marked with a central line using tic marks for each month and solstices. As of 2019, the paint is well worn. The dial has red circular Bailey marks for observing the direction of sunrise and sunset. Latitude and longitude are painted on the dial as well. At the north side of the dial on bridge railing is a sign explaining how to stand on the dial and use the equation of time chart to get civil time
General Information: | Inscription: | - Owner: Urban Ecology Center
| - On the Dial:
"Without the Sun There is Nothing"
Plaque: "A gift of friends in honor of the Cochran family's service to the Urban Ecology Center."
Last Revised: 2019-11-29 15:57