Sundial: 990
State/Province:  British Columbia |
Country:  Canada |
Dial Type:  Sculpture/Artwork |
Condition:  Good |
Latitude and Longitude: |
49° 13.312' N  123° 5.857' W |
Location: |
- Banners and explanation plaques on light poles along Prince Edward Street, Vancouver, BC between 42nd and 54th Avenues.
Description: |
- This artwork along Prince Edward street stretches about 1.5 mile (2.4 km). The latitude and longitude are given for the mid point. As public art the installation is know as Solar Patterns I and II. They are a collection of metal banners attached high on street poles and at eye level, an explanation of the pattern in the banner. Each banner consists of a yellow or orange aluminum sheet perforated with round holes representing the sun following a simple curve that is part of the analemma. The third dot from the top of the banner is replaced by an image of the sun as conceived by various artists ranging from school children to iconic images from various cultures to historic representations of the sun from cave paintings.
The Prince Edward Public Art Committee (PEPART) selected the winning drawings, one of which was used in two ways: firstly, to create a banner design, and secondly, to create a concrete stamp for any curb or sidewalk work done along Prince Edward. According to the City of Vancouver webpage, the sun design is "the one energy that links all life. By introducing symbols from many cultures throughout history, the banners widen our perspective by recognizing this multi-cultural neighbourhood and its interconnectedness with the world community. The colours yellow, saffron and orange are echoed in the Punjabi Market spices and in the Chinese symbols for prosperity. In Western culture they are also associated with fall,…. The banners will compliment the street gardens and draw the eye upward. In winter months, the bold colour of the banners will provide a welcome contrast to Vancouver's typically grey skies, acting as a reminder of the sun's return."
General Information: | Inscription: | - Owner: City of Vancouver - Community Public Art Program
| - Each banner has a plaque at the bottom of the light pole explaining the origin of the sun's representation.
- Designer: Shirley Wiebe and members of the local community
- Builder: City of Vancouver Public Works
- Construction Date: 2004 and 2005
References: | Web Links: |
- In the images below you can read the plaques and discover the origin of the sun shown in the banners.
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Last Revised: 2019-09-14 18:03