Lake Cowichan  
Sundial: 989
State/Province:  British Columbia |
Country:  Canada |
Dial Type:  Horizontal Dial |
Condition:  Poor |
Latitude and Longitude: |
48° 49.542' N  124° 3.333' W |
Location: |
- On the lawn on the north side of the Lake Cowichan Seniors' Centre, at the intersection of South Shore Road and Coronation Street.
Description: |
- This is a beautiful but standard mass-produced dial, with chapter rings for Roman numerals, hour lines, half and quarter hour lines. In the center is the sun surrounded by a compass rose, The dial itself is brass, but sits on a round cast iron base all sitting on a square concrete pillar. The gnomon was vandalized and now is missing. The base is losing its protective coat of paint and starting to rust. A thick hedge has grown up around the sundial, obscuring the sun on the east, south and west sides. It appears to be largely ignored.
General Information: | Inscription: | - Owner: Town of Lake Cowichan
| - On dial face:
"I count only the sunny hours"
A plaque on the pedestal reads:
"To commemorate the contribution made to the community by our Scandinavian pioneers. 1989. Scandinavian Club."
References: |
- This dial is similar to the Nanaimo Harbour Front sundiall (#991)
Last Revised: 2019-09-13 16:25:56