Pelham Manor  
Sundial: 901
State/Province:  New York |
Country:  US |
Dial Type:  Vertical Dial |
Condition:  Good |
Latitude and Longitude: |
40° 53.713' N  73° 48.707' W |
Location: |
- 211 Secor Lane in Pelham Manor, NY. Dial is visible from the street and located on the south facing facade of the Porte-Cochère.
Description: |
- This south facing vertical dial is 4x2 feet made of concrete, now slightly brown with age. The graceful gnomon is white-painted metal. Hour numbers in Roman numerals extend from 6am to 6pm without further delineation.
The house upon which the sundial rests was known for over 40 years as Sun Dial Lodge. The house was built in 1882 for Joseph Arthur a famous turn of the century playwright. "The Bungalo" as it was then known was described as a "$10,000 cottage". The sundial may have been a nod to Arthur's upbringing in Indiana as "Be no surprised if the first paper you pick up [in the dining room] is the Rising Sun (Ind) Local."
After Joseph Arthur's death, Mrs. Arthur opened the bungalo as hotel and long-term boarding lodge. By 1923 it was advertised as "Sun Dial Lodge ... Fine rooms for the Winter; plenty of heat; every comfort found in city hotels. Pelham the station, 20 minutes from 42nd St.. C. Arthur" Mrs. Arthur offered a "fine table" with excellent home-cooked food.
General Information: | |
- Builder: Benjamin Fairchild, Housing Developer
Web Links: |
Last Revised: 2018-04-29 14:45