[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_MEMORY] Insufficient memory to carry out an operation on root/images/NASS_Registry/Dial_898/898_mo_webster_groves_rosegarden-4a.jpg
, an approximate 71599968 bytes required, 113246208 bytes available. (Not all available memory can be consumed in order to ensure safe operations.)
Webster Groves  
Sundial: 898
State/Province:  Missouri |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Horizontal Dial |
Condition:  Poor |
Latitude and Longitude: |
38° 34.601' N  90° 21.544' W |
Location: |
- In the Rose Garden of the Henry W. Ruhe Memorial Park, located at the corner of S. Elm Ave. and W. Glendale Rd. in Webster Groves, MO.
Description: |
- This horizontal sundial is mounted on a hexagonal graceful concrete pedestal 43 inches high. The top of the pedestal is slightly sloping hexagonal 17 inches on a side. The circular bronze dial at the center is 11 inches in diameter. The hour lines meet a chapter ring with time marked in 15 minute intervals. Roman numerals mark the hours from 6am to 6pm. The 5 1/2 inch gnomon is of badly rusted steel, with iron stains covering the central part of the dial face. The sundial was vandalized at some time in the past and the original gnomon stolen.
General Information: | Inscription: | - Owner: Webster Groves Women's Garden Club
| - top of pedestal: Margret Blackburn Rose Garden
bottom of pedestal: This Rose Garden is a project of the Webster Groves Garden Clubs
- Construction Date: Dedication May 1941
References: |
- The dedication photo was provided by Mrs. Ruth Bailey of the Webster Groves Women's Garden Club from their club files
St. Louis Sundial Trail
Last Revised: 2018-01-24 14:25