New Orleans  
Sundial: 846
State/Province:  Louisiana |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Horizontal Dial |
Condition:  Fair |
Latitude and Longitude: |
29° 59.106' N  90° 5.706' W |
Location: |
- The Albert F. Bacher Sundial is in New Orleans City Park just off Dreyfous Drive, located behind the Casino Building (Morning Call Restaurant) near Bayou Metairie. It is accessible any time. From the last stop on the City Park Streetcar line, it is a 4/10 mile walk by foot.
Description: |
- Amidst the gardens in City Park is the Bacher Sundial, an 18-foot diameter pebbled concrete horizontal sundial set flush with the ground. The gnomon is well made, with curves nicely cut, edges straight, and the weld fillet is smooth and blends the upright with the base nicely. It is set on a low circular dais set considerably south of the center of the circular dial face. The gnomon is a simple iron blade 144 inches in length along the style edge. At the base, slots for anchoring the gnomon allow adjustment of 8-10 degrees to align to true north. Currently the gnomon sits near the center of the range, but can be pushed by hand to either end of the range. With loose nuts holding the gnomon, it appears canted at the base. Tightening the nuts could restore gnomon to its necessary 30 degree angle, but deterioration of the bolt anchors may prevent full tightening.
The dial has a circular arc of metal hour and half-hour marks and uses large Arabic numbers facing outward to show local standard time. The dial is in fair condition with only the hour numbers 6, 8, 9, 1, and 2 remaining.
General Information: | Inscription: | - Owner: New Orleans City Park
| - Original plaque is now missing.
The Bacher Sundial was donated to the park by the family of Albert F. Bacher, a City Park board member.
Web Links: |
Attachments Available:
Last Revised: 2017-1-27 13:10