Sundial: 823
State/Province:  Maryland |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Horizontal Dial |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
39° 5.533' N  77° 9.550' W |
Location: |
- On the Rockville campus of Montgomery County Community College between North Campus Drive and Mannakee Street. Dial is in front of the Campus Center.
Description: |
- A simple stainless steel gnomon 5-inches in diameter sits on a 6-foot concrete dais. Surrounding the dais are brick pavers with two circular bands of granite pavers. The interior band is for daylight saving time hours of engraved numbers filled with a gold color and a similar outer band for standard time hours. The granite pavers also mark the cardinal points engraved in gold, and extended as east-west and north-south lines from the dais. What makes this dial both unique and beautiful is the low brick and concrete surrounding walls with inscriptions from famous authors on both the interior and exterior faces.
Engraved on the Inside Walls
(NW) Look Deep into Nature and then you Will Understand Everything Better - Albert Einstein
(NE) To Forget How to Dig the Earth and to Tend the Soil is to Forget Ourselves - M. K. Gandi
(SW) We do not Inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, We Borrow it from our Children - Native American Proverb
(SE) Those Who Dwell Among the Beauties and Mysteries of the Earth are Never Alone - Rachael Carson
General Information: | Inscription: | - Owner: Montgpomery County Community College
| - Engraved on the Outside Walls
(NW) We Won't have a Society if We Destroy the Environment - Margaret Mead
(NE) One Touch of Nature Makes the Whole World Kin - William Shakespeare
(SW) One Generation Plants the Trees; Another Gets the Shade - Chinese Proverb
(SE) Adopt the Pace of Nature: Her Secret is Patience - Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Builder: Hanover Architectual Products
Last Revised: 2016-4-16-17:45