Sundial: 773
State/Province:  Virginia |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Analemmatic Dial |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
38° 58.845' N  77° 21.524' W |
Location: |
- Neil Armstrong Elementary School
11900 Lake Newport Road
Description: |
- An analemmatic dial with 8 foot semimajor axis painted on the asphalt playground of the Neil Armstrong Elementary School. Hour marks for 5 AM to 7 PM include longitude correction; Arabic hour numerals for both standard and daylight saving time are shown. The date line is decorated in bright colors with icons symbolic of holidays and seasonal weather.
The dial was the Boy Scout Eagle Service Project of William T. Spriggs and was painted by local Boy Scouts and their fathers.
General Information: | - Owner: Fairfax County Public Schools
- Designer: Dr. Robert Kellogg for dial calculations; Andrew Black designed the date line artwork.
- Builder: William T. Spriggs
- Construction Date: 30-Mar-13
Last Revised: 6/13/2013 15:19