Sundial: 753
State/Province:  British Columbia |
Country:  Canada |
Dial Type:  Horizontal Dial |
Condition:  Good |
Latitude and Longitude: |
48° 25.983' N  123° 28.500' W |
Location: |
- Hatley Castle in Hatley Park
Center of Rose Garden
Royal Roads University
2005 Sooke Road, Victoria
Vancouver Island
There is no longer an admission charge, but you must use the pay-parking at Hatley Castle. The nearest bus stop is a 20 minute walk. The dial is in the rose garden, a few minutes walk from the Castle house.
Description: |
- A 12 inch diameter cast bronze horizontal dial with hour lines, quarter-hour marks and Roman hour numerals. Dial face includes a central compass rose with cardinal directions. The dial sits atop a cast concrete pedestal sculptured with curves, fronds and cherubs. However the dial may be misaligned from true North. The gnomon angle appears close to the dial's latitude (measured at 49.2°).
The pedestal would originally have been a rather elegant finely-carved pedestal standing about 5 ft high. It is either limestone or architectural cast stone. There is deterioration consistent with how limestone weathers. A cap on the pedestal holds the dial in deteriorating condition. It looks like there is an old repair, perhaps from 1996 when the garden received a makeover.
Hatley Castle was the stately mansion for the Dunsmuir family, built in 1908 by James Dunsmuir, whose father Robert had built Craigdarroch Castle in downtown Victoria. Yet the centerpiece of the garden is one of numerous common-design sundials in Victoria. Why?
General Information: | Inscription: | - Owner: Royal Roads University
- Construction Date: Probably refurbished 1996
Last Revised: 2021-03-08 21:58