Sundial: 719
State/Province:  Vermont |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Equatorial Dial |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
44° 28.389' N  73° 12.400' W |
Location: |
- On the Champlain College campus between Roger H. Perry Hall and the brick carriage barn
163 South Willard Street
Description: |
- A 6-1/2 foot tall, 4 foot diameter helical cylinder equatorial dial of self-weathering COR-TEN steel plate. The 2 foot long beveled edges of the two ends of the helix serve as gnomons, casting shadows for standard time and daylight saving time onto the interior surface. Time is indicated by the dominant shadow, top in summer and bottom in winter. Hour marks are shallow bored holes in the interior surface; no numerals are present but the noon mark is indicated by two small adjacent holes. The helical curved edges allow shadows to fall on the interior surface throughout the year as solar declination varies. An adjacent bronze plaque describes the dial and gives an EOT and longitude correction graph. Dial is supported by a curved COR-TEN steel plate allowing some springy motion.
Dial overlooks an innovative wetland garden and the restored brick carriage barn, now a computer learning center.
General Information: | Inscription: | | |
- Designer: Kate Pond, sculptor; Bill Gottesman, sundial design
- Construction Date: August, 2010
Last Revised: 7/23/2011 11:15