South Bend  
Sundial: 710
State/Province:  Indiana |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Compound Dial |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
41° 42.017' N  86° 13.917' W |
Location: |
- In front of Jordon Hall Physics Bldg.
University of Notre Dame
South Bend
Description: |
- A combination horizontal dial with nodus on its gnomon and a meridian projection dial located below. Horizontal dial face is 44 inches diameter and made of polished Chinese gabbro basaltic rock, reflecting clouds overhead and gnomon shadow, which shows location of solar noon on gnomonic projection map of the world on dial face. Gnomon is supported by curved triangular bronze arches. Gnomon nodus shadow shows location on map where sun is directly overhead while solstice and equinox lines indicate date. Hour markers show EDST by Roman numerals with ten minute increments by Arabic numerals and marks for one minute. Dial is supported on an octagonal limestone pedestal with French Gothic cathedral window design allowing viewing of meridian dial date line.
Meridian dial is placed below the octagonal limestone pedestal whose French Gothic cathedral window design allows the noon date line to be seen. The date line is illuminated only at noon by sunlight passing through a slit orifice that extends 2/3 the way up the pedestal wall, indicating dates between summer and winter solstice by the end of the end of the bar of light.
The entire combination dial sits on a plaza inlaid with three types of granite to form a 32 foot diameter compass rose, with sunrise and sunset times shown for sixteen dates special to Notre Dame University.
General Information: | - Owner: University of Notre Dame
- Designer: William Andrewes, Concord, Massachusetts
Last Revised: 6/29/2013 12:09