Sundial: 629
State/Province:  New York |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Vertical Dial |
Condition:  Good |
Latitude and Longitude: |
42° 55.788' N  77° 29.996' W |
Location: |
- Marion and Max Farash Center for Observational Astronomy
Wolk Observatory Building
Located at a dark sky site just west of the city of Ionia, NY on Route 64.
Description: |
- A 16 x 6 foot wood and steel vertical dial on the south wall of the Louis S. Wolk Observatory at the Marion and Max Farash Center for Observational Astronomy. Dial declines 16.3° W of S. Dial displays EDT with longitude correction. Pedestrian and equine access is unrestricted but vehicular traffic is limited to members.
General Information: | - Owner: Rochester Academy of Science, Astronomy Section
- Construction Date: June, 2005
Last Revised: 2021-07-07 18:28