Sundial: 524
State/Province:  Washington |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Horizontal Dial |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
47° 26.789' N  122° 13.537' W |
Location: |
- Time Square Plaza, 500-800 SW 39th Street, Renton 98055 (near I-405/SR 167 Interchange)
Description: |
- A 44 x 60 foot horizontal dial with 20 foot tall stainless steel gnomon. This may be the largest horizontal dial in the state of Washington. Five colors of concrete define distinct parts of the dial and pathways (the 8 o?clock and 5 o?clock hour lines are walkways between buildings). Other hour lines have concrete benches and stainless steel discs to mark each hour, plus inlaid bronze discs for daylight saving time.
Hour lines have inset disks to indicate the hour, one disk for each counted hour 6 AM to 7 PM. The mid-day N-S hour line features thirteen hour disks; the previous hour has 12 disks and the next hour is marked with two disks. The N-S hour line may include one disk that is also a light to illuminate the gnomon at night.
General Information: | Inscription: | - Owner: Real Estate Investment Trust, with Bedford Property Investors Incorporated property managers
| - Time Square Motto: ?Space That Works Overtime.? Sundial Inscribed "It's about Time"
- Designer: Ulrich Pakker, R.P. Art (Seattle)
- Builder: Foushe?e and Associates, Inc., General Contractors (Bellevue)
- Construction Date: 28-Jul-04
Attachments Available:
Last Revised: 6/21/2013 22:00