Sundial: 445
State/Province:  Pennsylvania |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Cylindrical Dial |
Condition:  Fair |
Latitude and Longitude: |
Location: |
- On the campus of Bucknell University
Description: |
- A large, ornate equatorial dial of brass sits outside the physics department building. The dial is approximately 8 feet across. Two pillars with brass balls support the dial plate. Two more pillars with ball support the gnomon wire. To add a flourish, the north most pillar and ball have a spread eagle holding the gnomon wire in its mouth. Unfortunately this beautiful dial is tarnished by age, with the analemmas for each hour barely visible on the dial plate. The gnomon wire, broken sometime in the past, is jury-rigged and tied together in the middle, resulting in a unkempt look to such a fine dial. A dark, round stone base, perhaps made of slate, approximately 8 foot in diameter supports the dial and pillars. The stone sits upon a 10 x 10 foot concrete pad.
General Information: | - Owner: bucknell University
- Construction Date: Est. 1905
References: |
- Fred Sawyer, "Albert Cushing Crehore (1868-1959)", NASS Compendium, September 2015, pp. 8-10
Last Revised: 2019-07-31 20:56