South Burlington  
Sundial: 264
State/Province:  Vermont |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Horizontal Dial |
Condition:  Very poor |
Latitude and Longitude: |
44° 25.895' N  73° 11.596' W |
Location: |
- Overlook Park, West side of Spear St.
Description: |
- An 8 foot wrought iron steel horizontal dial. Design is of two circles enclosing one another and quartered. Outer circle is 11 foot wide with beaded edges and Roman hour numerals. Inner circle is 3'4" diameter quartered disk. Surveyed in 1992, finding condition very poor; steel dial is rusted. No motto or plaque is provided.
General Information: | - Owner: City of South Burlington
- Designer: Dennis G. Sparling
References: |
Last Revised: 7/23/2011 11:22