Sundial: 256
State/Province:  District of Columbia |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Horizontal Dial |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
38° 55.275' N  77° 3.942' W |
Location: |
- US Naval Observatory at 34th NW and Massachusetts Av NW. Dial has restricted public access.
Description: |
- Octagonal bronze horizontal dial, mounted just above the ground level. Designed by Richard Schmidt of the USNO staff and cast by Alex Bigler of Equestrian Forge celebrates the 100th anniversary of the move of the USNO to its present site at Observatory Circle. The USNO was founded in 1830. Public, but by appointment only (202-762-1438).
The dial has hour lines from 4am to 8pm in Roman numerals with time marks to the quarter hour. Across the face of the dial are solstice lines, solar declination lines of +/-10 and +/-20-deg, and the equinox lines. In the southern quadrant is the sea of the USNO.
General Information: | Inscription: | - Owner: US Naval Observatory
| - U.S. Naval Observatory
1893 Observatory Circle Centennial 1993
Sine Sol Nihl Sum Tempus Omnium Parens
- Designer: Richard Schmidt of the USNO staff
- Builder: Alex Bigler of Equestrian Forge, Leesburg, VA
References: |
- NASS Compendium, Other Sundials of the Greater Washington Area, 1995
Last Revised: 2017-02-01 20:33