Sundial: 207
State/Province:  District of Columbia |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Vertical Dial |
Condition:  Good |
Latitude and Longitude: |
38° 54.796' N  77° 0.228 W |
Location: |
- McKinley Technology High School 101 T Street NE
Near 2nd St. NE and R St. NE
Description: |
- Vertical bronze dial with Arabic numerals and long cast sunburst gnomon. On oblong sandstone. Dial is 60-80 feet up on an octagonal power plant smokestack. It is difficult to read, but safe from vandalism. School dated 1928. Similar to Eastern High School (#202).
General Information: | - Owner: McKinley High School
References: |
- Geo. McDowell, Twelve Sundials of Washington DC, nr. 2
Last Revised: 2021-07-06 19:28