Ann Arbor  
Sundial: 1096
State/Province:  Michigan |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Noon Mark or Meridian Dial |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
42° 17.846' N  83° 44.095’ W |
Location: |
Access: This is a private dial. See below for access details. |
- Backyard of creator and sculptor Mike Kapetan. Email mikekapetan@gmail.com to see the sundial.
Description: |
- Dial is a calendar dial that marks noon on the solstices and equinoxes by projecting a circle of sunlight onto one of three horizontal discs on the meridian line dial face. To create the round sunlight spots the vertical arm has three elliptical holes to match the solar angles for the two solstices and the equinox. The disk closest to the gnomon (with highest solar angle) is for the summer solstice. Middle disk is for the equinoxes, and the farthest disk (with lowest solar angle) is for the winter solstice. Notice in the photo that the summer hole in the vertical arm is considerably stretched to account for the high angle of the sun.
This Noon Marker is identical to the one at Emerson School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, except that creator Mike Kapetan has kept his dial in excellent condition
General Information: | |
Last Revised: 2023-07-03 10:42