Sunset Point Rest Area  
Sundial: 1050
State/Province:  Arizona |
Country:  USA |
Dial Type:  Horizontal Dial |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
34° 11.139’ N  112° 08.102’ W |
Location: |
- On a remote area of I-17 about 8 miles north of Black Canyon City.
Dial is located at the southbound Sunset Point Rest Area
Description: |
- Sitting on a low dais is a beautiful red granite sundial. The gnomon is about 1.5m high and 20cm wide sitting in the center of a dial about 2.5m in diameter. Hour lines radiate from the gnomon foot to the edge of the dais, marking the hours from VI (AM) to VI (PM) local solar time. Inscriptions are on both the east and west side of the gnomon, a plaque and names of those who died serving the citizens of the State of Arizona.
General Information: | Inscription: | - Owner: State of Arizona Dept. of Transportation
| - On the gnomon:
Great Seal of the State of Arizona
"As the sun sets over our fallen companions,
may they always be remembered"
Plaque at south end of the dais
"This site is dedicated to honor employees of the
Arizona Department of Transportation, who died
while serving the citizens of the State of Arizona"
At the south end of the gnomon are the
names of those who died in service.
- Construction Date: circa 2005
Web Links: |
Last Revised: 2022-04-07 18:27