
Sundial: 104
State/Province:  Pennsylvania Country:  USA
Dial Type:  Polyhedral Dial Condition:  Fair
  Latitude and Longitude: 40° 35.758' N  80° 13.961' W
  • Old Economy Village
    Visitor Center , 270 16th St
    Ambridge (Pittsburgh)
  • In the garden of Old Economy Village is a 1964 reproduction of the historic 1825 original keep safety indoors. The 9-inch stone dial has four vertical dials on the E,W, N and S sides and one horizontal dial on top. The replica is in fair shape where the engraved hour lines are now severely weathered. The replica five iron gnomons are in fair condition, but still tell reasonably accurate local solar time. Each dial is delineated in half-hour marks with the hours shown in Arabic numbers.

    The replica, carved in limestone, is now showing its age after 54 years. In many respects the 1825 original is in better condition except for the gnomons which long ago rusted away. Economy Village, run by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, is once again considering making another replica dial.
General Information:Inscription:
  • Owner: Old Economy Village, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
  • The original dial has the words "ECONOMY" "1825" engraved on the north dial
  • Designer: original: Harmony Society
  • Builder: original: Harmony Society replica: Mr. Delano of Stonecraft
  • Construction Date: original: 1825 replica: 1964
  • The replica was done with private funds and installed by the Garden Club of Allegheny County. The project was supervised by Mr. Griswald.

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Last Revised: 2019-07-31 21:19