Mexico City  
Sundial: 1001
State/Province:  México |
Country:  Mexico |
Dial Type:  Vertical Dial |
Condition:  Excellent |
Latitude and Longitude: |
19° 29.024' N  99° 07.012' W |
Location: |
- On the south end of the carillon tower - Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. North of Civic Center at East end of Avenida Montevideo and North end of Calzada de Guadalupe.
Description: |
- This is a south facing reclining vertical sundial made of stone about one and a half meter square. The dial's concrete mount adjusts the dial to true south even though the carillon tower is not N-S aligned. Hour lines and Roman numbers on the dial go from 7am to 5pm. Monthly declination lines show the date as well as the solstices and equinox. A simple rod gnomon exits a gold ball at the top of the dial. The dial itself is well above eye level and hard to read. The other end of the carillon tower has an Aztec calendar.
General Information: | - Owner: Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Construction Date: New Basilica & Tower 1974-1976
References: | Web Links: |
- Many make pilgrimages to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe - the site of an apparition of Mary to a native Mexican in 1531.
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Last Revised: 2020-02-14 20:45